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DEFT Linux 8 stable with DART 2 is out! 20 Jul 2013 | 07:19 pm
Dear guys, we did our best to turn the DEFT 8 beta version into stable – also by listening to your precious suggestions/feedback – and here we are! You can download the DEFT 8 final stable ISO (which ...
DEFT Linux 8 public beta & DART 2 stable ready for download 1 Jul 2013 | 02:30 pm
Hello guys! First of all: sorry for the delay! Life is made up of priority and sometimes you have to set aside projects and hobbies for the real life! By the way… here the new Digital Forensics system...
Another delay….! 31 May 2013 | 11:37 pm
Unfortunately they are forced to postpone the release of deft further 10 days. The core is ready, but the graphics not jet. Really sorry for this! Stefano
DART 2 beta ready for download 15 May 2013 | 02:30 am
While we are working hard on the DEFT 8 Beta and the new layout of the DEFT site, We hope that the release of the standalone DART 2BETA can make you a little happier. We think that DART 2 is one of th...
Delay! 9 May 2013 | 01:28 am
Ciao, many of you are asking why DEFT8 has not been released yet. It ‘s true, you’re right and we apologize for that. Several unforeseen problems about the development and implementation of new featur...
[ITA] DEFTCON 2013, chiusura iscrizioni, aggiornamento programma e cambio location 6 Apr 2013 | 03:33 am
Per l’alto numero di richieste di partecipazione alla conferenza, abbiamo deciso di spostarci in un’altra sede dell’università con un’aula molto più capiente. Nonostante ciò, siamo costretti a chiuder...
[ITA] DEFTCON 2013 a Bologna il 19 Aprile 2013 21 Feb 2013 | 03:47 pm
In attesa delle ultime due conferme come relatori all’ evento, vi riportiamo una bozza quasi definitiva del programma della seconda conferenza nazionale del sistema DEFT organizzata dall’ ASSOCIAZIONE...
DEFT 8 Roadmap and features 20 Feb 2013 | 09:01 pm
Hello World, A little later than usual, We want to introduce you to some features of DEFT 8: - Linux kernel 3.5.5 - First 64-bit Digital Forensics distro with a huge performance increased compared to ...
[ITA] DEFTCON 2013 il 19 Aprile a Bologna 12 Feb 2013 | 12:48 pm
Vi anticipiamo che la seconda conferenza nazionale DEFTCON si terrà il 19 Aprile a Bologna presso la Sala Armi di Palazzo Malvezzi, via Zamboni 22. A brevissimo sarà divulgato il programma dettagliato...
DEFT 7.2 and DEFT english manual, ready for download! 23 Oct 2012 | 10:49 pm
Hello! Today we are happy to announce the last DEFT release: the 7.2. This is the last 32bit release but we will support bugfix until 2020. Please note that the next release will be a 64bit system. Wh...