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Agit-Prop Masquerading as History; email to Mitch Daniels 2 Aug 2013 | 05:42 pm
Dear Governor Daniels, I support enthusiastically and unreservedly your condemnation of Howard Zinn’s disgraceful piece of agit-prop that too many academics consider a legitimate history of the Unite...
Letter to Justice Kennedy 5 Jul 2013 | 06:17 pm
June 27, 2013 Anthony Kennedy Associate Justice The Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20543 Dear Justice Kennedy: Smearing opponents of gay marriage as bigots...
Email to Lee Bollinger, President of Columbia University 26 Jun 2013 | 05:49 pm
Dear President Bollinger: I have read your op-ed in today’s NY Times defending the use of race in college admissions. To give preference to some on the basis of race is necessarily to discriminate o...
The IRS Was Targeting Conservative Groups a Decade Ago 14 May 2013 | 08:17 pm
With news that the Obama administration has used the IRS to target conservative groups applying for nonprofit status, I thought a look back at the experience of Democracy Project’s founders would be i...
A Tale of Two Synagogues 4 May 2013 | 11:27 pm
FrontPage Magazine published my article on the lead up to the great speeches of Pamela Geller and Greg Buckley, Sr. at Chabad of Great Neck and Congregation Beth-El of Edison, NJ on April 14, which wa...
The Desert Within Each of Us 1 Apr 2013 | 04:07 pm
Immediately upon reading new Pope Francis’ Easter speech in St. Peter’s Square, I tweeted, “Read the beautiful #Easter message from #PopeFrancis for inspiration on what this day is really about.” With...
Nassau County Human Rights Censor 24 Mar 2013 | 08:08 am
The fraudulent interfaith community has launched a coordinated attack to shut down the April 14th breakfast event at Great Neck Synagogue featuring Pamela Geller and Greg Buckley, Sr. What makes this...
The Battle for Chavez’ Legacy 24 Mar 2013 | 02:35 am
Perhaps nobody can write of the despicable legacy of Hugo Chavez better than DP friend and Human Rights Foundation President Thor Halvorssen. As a member of the Venezuela diaspora, Halvorssen has been...
Open Letter to CUNY Chancellor Matthew Goldstein 24 Feb 2013 | 01:06 pm
I sent the following letter to Chancellor Matthew Goldstein, Brooklyn College officials, and local Councilmembers calling for Brooklyn College President Karen Gould, and Political Science Dept. Chairp...
An American Patriot: Ambassador Mark Palmer 9 Feb 2013 | 12:15 pm
The day I met Ambassador Mark Palmer was a whirlwind — he stopped by Hudson Institute in 2003 with an idea — to put the ideas set forth in his brilliant book, Breaking the Real Axis of Evil into law. ...