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Anyone tried this stuff ? 27 Aug 2013 | 09:11 am
eBay item number: 260858445570 2,533 sold :doublesho Any good or just a well put together add with a load of BS... :rolleyes: Sorry about no link its a faff to get a link from the iPhone eBay app.
Toughest detailing jobs on DW? 27 Aug 2013 | 09:11 am
Guys, how's it going?? I used the search tool but I could not find what I was looking for. I was wondering if there was actually a thread with links to the toughest detailings done by many of you, I ...
blue corsa van enhancement 27 Aug 2013 | 07:34 am
A friend asked if I could make his paintwork look better as he had just bought this van and had been resprayed at one point not very good. So I washed it clay bar then washed again then megs 205 on da...
m101 meguiars 27 Aug 2013 | 04:26 am
Does meguiars produce a small bottle of m101? Any online shops that sell it?
New joiner from Hampshire 27 Aug 2013 | 04:12 am
Hi All, This site was recomended to me by a good friend and I feel right at home reading through the many posts that I've read through so far. I've been known to spend an entire day vacuuming a car ...
BMW Z4 35i S-Drive 27 Aug 2013 | 03:38 am
My Boss asked me if I could do anything with his Z4, so took some pictures and thought share. Before On to the wash.. Brake dust! Surprised how much was on the body work Also de-Tarred and paintw...
Watch help needed (scratched face) 27 Aug 2013 | 03:26 am
Hi guys and girls, Sorry if this is the wrong section but I recently got a sekonda watch as a present for my birthday which is very nice indeed, but I wore it out to the niteclub the other night and ...
Recommend a product to clean this? 27 Aug 2013 | 03:19 am
So recently bought a fiesta st but on looking under the bonnet I saw this white stuff on the plastics, tried degreaser and a brush but not budging. Anyone have any ideas?
Lexus IS-F wheel detail! (including C.Quartz ~2 year wheel coating update!) 27 Aug 2013 | 02:55 am
All I can say is this is why you should coat your wheels! :thumb: I had a few hours spare over the weekend, I gave the Lex it's weekly bath, and decided to get stuck in and clean up my Lexus IS-F whe...
Bulk Wheel Cleaner Options 27 Aug 2013 | 02:26 am
Hi all, I have split rims on my Mini and have kept on top of them from day one now I am after a bulk wheel cleaner that I can use on them. I normally use wonder wheels (purple bleed) but want somethi...