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South Korea Has Elected Their First Female Leader 20 Dec 2012 | 12:01 am
Well, I guess the U.S. isn’t the only country that has voted for change in their presidency recently. It looks like South Korea has opted for a new look to the person that leads their country as well....
Some Conservatives May Not Survive President Obama’s Re-Election 15 Nov 2012 | 12:55 am
You ever wonder what would happen to the majority when they slowly became the minority and were outnumbered, outvoted, and overruled? Well, America’s November 6, 2012 re-election of President Barack ...
Idiot Alert: Cleveland Woman Sentenced to Holding An Idiot Sign Serves Her Time 13 Nov 2012 | 11:45 pm
We’ve all been caught at one time or another behind a school bus while rushing through traffic. But have you ever ridden on the sidewalk to avoid being stuck behind the stopped bus loading or unloadin...
Are You Included In The 47% American Population Mitt Romney Was Referring To? 21 Sep 2012 | 12:43 am
Unless you’ve been hiding from the IRS (well at least 53% of you since the other 47% don’t pay taxes
Attention Male Weed Smokers: Your Family Jewels May Be In Jeopardy 14 Sep 2012 | 11:06 pm
Remember when the late Rick James was singing about a wonderful woman named Mary Jane? Well, looks like Mary Jane may not be the best thing for my brothers who value their family jewels. Translation: ...
Two Years Later, Bobby Tillman’s Killers Brought To Justice 14 Sep 2012 | 12:04 am
Remember when I shared the heartbreaking story of college freshman, Bobby Tillman and others who were senselessly killed at the hands of another? Well two years later, justice has finally been served,...
Remembering 9/11: The Story of a Private Love Affair Bonded By A $2 Bill 11 Sep 2012 | 09:50 pm
As we take this moment to reflect on the horrific 9/11 tragedies that plagued our country 11 years ago, I felt today was the perfect time to share such a romantic but sad story of a love affair I disc...
DivaDee Disagrees with ‘Why Doesn’t the Black Community Value Marriage’ 13 Jul 2012 | 09:44 pm
While enjoying a nice but eerily quiet commute on Friday the 13th, I subjected myself to listen to The Tom Joyner Morning Show. I normally opt for gospel to avoid losing my religion in traffic but bei...
As The R and Beef Turns: Were Chris Brown and Drake Brawling Over Rihanna’s Cake 15 Jun 2012 | 02:21 am
Lord, just when you think it’s safe to go out in public while Money Mayweather is tucked away in solitary confinement, you have Chris Brown and Drake popping throwing bottles and tearing up clubs. App...
BMW Gets Hit With An Interesting Lawsuit 2 May 2012 | 06:17 am
Ladies, imagine if your boo went on a motorcycle ride and when he was done he was blessed left with a continuous 20 month erection. Would you sue the company who gave it to him or send them a fruit b...