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How To Display the IDX Registration Form On Page Load 16 Mar 2012 | 04:17 am
From your Diverse Solutions Control Panel, you can customize the registration settings for your new mapping IDX system. Do do so, perform the following steps: Log into your Control Panel, Hover over...
How To Remove the Header from dsSearchAgent 15 Mar 2012 | 10:58 am
Your new dsSearchAgent mapping IDX comes fully equipped with agent branding. Meaning, you can customize the header displayed on your new mapping IDX as shown below: You can edit the following: Your ...
Is it possible to add property description to search results in dsIDXpress? 1 Mar 2011 | 11:30 am
Search results pages just show basic search fields, for the longer description field you’ll need to click to view the individual property page. Most MLS rules require us to show the listing broker inf...
Can I add the IDX Search widget on a page? 1 Mar 2011 | 11:26 am
QUESTION: It would be nice to be able to put the IDX Search widget on the main part of a page, rather than a widget sidebar. I tried a plugin called “Add Widgets to Page”, but couldn’t get it to work....
How to get an email when a new lead registers 1 Mar 2011 | 11:19 am
You can set up your account to receive email updates when a new lead registers through your IDX. To do so… Log into your Control Panel Hover over dsSerachAgent >> Click on “Options” Click on the “R...
How To Create a Custom Form 1 Mar 2011 | 11:02 am
Forms are a great way to collect details/capture information from a visitor when they visit your website. The neat thing about our Custom Forms creator is that each form can consist of many fields tha...
Issue with receiving emails – emails not being delivered 1 Mar 2011 | 07:31 am
If emails from dsSearchAgent or dsAgentReach are going into your spam box or are not being received, add the following addresses as a whitelist into your email program: NoReply@dsSearchAgent.com Ale...
How To Activate dsAgentChat 25 Feb 2011 | 07:35 am
dsAgentChat is our live-chat feature. Your site and IDX serach have been packed full of valuable information but what if someone has a question? Well, with dsAgentChat site visitors can now contact yo...
How To Setup XML Sitemaps 22 Feb 2011 | 11:14 am
From Wikipedia: A Sitemap is an XML file that lists the URLs for a site. It allows webmasters to include additional information about each URL: when it was last updated, how often it changes, and how...
How To Setup the IDX Listings Widget 19 Feb 2011 | 09:10 am
We’ve provided 3 widgets that you can add to your blog to bring Google and Visitors to the MLS listings on your site. In this tutorial let’s take a look at how to setup your IDX Listings Widget. To do...