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Patron Saint of Wine, Wine Makers and Wine Growers 13 Dec 2011 | 03:32 pm
Patron Saint of Wine I Googled “patron saint of wine” and to my amazement the nuns were still keeping secrets from us about the lives of the saints. Don’t get me wrong, the stories of the saints a...
Patron Saint of Beer and Brewers 13 Dec 2011 | 03:10 pm
Patron Saint of Beer and Brewers I just recently learned there are patron saints of beer, correctly stated, patron saints of brewers. In Catholic elementary school we were taught about the live...
Welcome! 7 Dec 2011 | 01:23 pm
Welcome to my blog. Please enter. Take a seat, wine and beer are in the refrigerator and other tidbits and good morsels. I start with the subject of wine and beer, only because I have recently discov...