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Riding St. George 13 Feb 2012 | 07:39 am
Fandom: Downton Abbey Pairing: Lady Mary Crawley/Matthew Crawley. Featuring Isobel Crawley (self-proclaimed Edwardian Sex Therapist) Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: all seasons. Set in the future. Mary and Ma...
of Heroes and Sea Monsters - Ch 2 11 Feb 2012 | 07:58 am
Author: Athena Fandom: Downton Abbey Pairing: Lady Mary Crawley/Matthew Crawley Rating: PG-13 to NC-17, depending on the chapter Spoilers: all seasons. Set right after Lavinia Swire’s death and ex.....
Of Heroes and Sea Monsters - Ch 1 11 Feb 2012 | 07:50 am
Author: Athena Fandom: Downton Abbey Pairing: Lady Mary Crawley/Matthew Crawley Rating: PG-13 to NC-17, depending on the chapter Spoilers: all seasons. Set right after Lavinia Swire’s death and exp....
Snow Angel 6 Feb 2012 | 07:30 am
Author: Athena Fandom: Downton Abbey Pairing: Lady Mary Crawley/Matthew Crawley Rating: M Spoilers: Mid series one. Taking place prior to the incident with the Turkish diplomat. Summary: Matthew Craw...
You Owe Me, Myka Bering 1 Jan 2012 | 10:41 am
Title: You Owe Me, Myka Bering Author: Athena Pairing: HG Wells/Myka Rating: Mature, NC-17 rating, naughty and very kinky Spoiler: season 2 Disclaimer: If I did own the rights to these lovely ladies t...
A Dickens Christmas 25 Dec 2011 | 06:04 pm
Title: A Dickens Christmas Author: Athena Fandom: Warehouse 13 Pairing: HG Wells/Myka est. Rating: PG, extreme fluff warning Spoiler: season 3, AU where Helena lived and she and Myka built a future to...
Christmastime at Wells Hall 25 Dec 2011 | 06:17 am
Title: Christmastime at Wells Hall Author: Athena Fandom: Warehouse 13 Pairing: HG Wells/Myka Rating: PG-13 mostly with a little sprinkle of adult stuff Spoiler: season 3, AU where Helena lived and sh...
[Rerun fic] * * * Mistletoe & Wine * * * 16 Dec 2011 | 01:52 pm
2010 Warehouse 13 Holiday Story Rerun In anticipation of this year's Christmas fics (yes, I am writing more than one) I am shamelessly rerunning/pimping last year's fics. I hope you enjoy reliving the...
Knickers, Wine & Movies 15 Dec 2011 | 09:42 am
Title: Knickers, Wine & Movies Author: Athena Fandom: Warehouse 13 Pairing: Myka Bering/HG Wells Rating: NC-17 Spoiler: Season 2. Set between Vendetta and Buried. Disclaimer: I don’t own these lovely ...
Let it Snow - part 4 12 Dec 2011 | 03:22 pm
( Part 4 ) comments