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Mixtape #58 – Sun Leaving 24 Aug 2013 | 04:45 pm
It's still summer, but the sun is leaving slowl this place over the northern hemisphere. Just warms up the corps of the past summer fun days and then freezes everything over night. Brrrr. Gives me a t...
Shadow Folk – Seagull Visions (2013) 20 Aug 2013 | 09:06 am
Canadian Neo-Psychedelia for sunny Sunday mornings or a rainy Tuesday morning. This rides on the waves of the New Wave of Neo-Psychedelia (if there is something like that, just thinking on Jaccor Gard...
[Labelnews] Interlude – The Matchsellers perform Perigee Moon by Daniel Bachman 26 Jul 2013 | 01:00 am
In May I got this email from Andrew telling me about his music with The Matchsellers and to my surprise he and his band mate are resident in Leipzig. That's funny, since I get submissions mostly from ...
[Labelnews] Sean Proper – Live Dates July, 2013 15 Jul 2013 | 03:00 am
So the space cats from Moonshutters and their good friend Sean Proper are bummed because they didn't get accepted into Space Camp. But these tough astronauts aren't easily deterred, and are planning t...
Mixtape #57 – Small Town Raga 14 Jul 2013 | 01:13 am
Welcome to a new 2 hours program of psychedelic late-night folk, americana related music. New gatherings and old/odd findings stacked to a playlist for your listening pleasure. Leave a comment if the ...
Children of Leir – s/t (2013) 9 Jul 2013 | 12:23 pm
What are the ingrediente for a Space-Rock album? Stompboxes, Studio FX magic, something like that. There are some extraordinary Space-Rock FX or should I say, all FX turned to the max, gives every mus...
[Labelnews] Summer - Sean Proper, ACDSleeves, Wes Tirey 6 Jul 2013 | 03:00 am
Here are some updates to fill the summer gap. I am working on the release by Sean Proper from Florida. His 6- and 12-string guitar walls of sound will be wrapped in the sophisticated DIY cd-sleeve-bla...
Paul Bergmann and the Fair Moans - 1 (2013) 2 Jul 2013 | 01:51 am
Dark Americana and Gothic Country from the American west-coast? Works well! The opener Always Be Behind sets a standard that Paul Bergmann and the Fair Moans can easily hold up. The whole album is rec...
Stara Rzeka - Cień chmury nad ukrytym polem (2013) 2 Jul 2013 | 01:12 am
Stara Rzeka (Old River) is the solo project of Kuba Ziołek from Poland. Thanks to the Weedtemple blog who featured his fellow-countryman. Stara Rzeka starts strong with a repetetiv fingerpicking guita...
Horrible Houses - Songs Written and Recorded Under the Influence of the Yellow House (2013) 30 Jun 2013 | 08:49 pm
Daniel Johnsson aka Horrible Houses is from Sweden, this could explain why he was under the influence of a yellow house. Not that there are only yellow houses in Sweden, but you know the scandinavian ...