Electricpulp - electricpulp.com - Digital Agency Specializing in Responsive Web Design & Development

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We Are The World 13 Feb 2010 | 06:31 am
It’s with great enthusiasm and an even greater sense of humility that we announce our work on world25.org. The site was created as the official home of the contemporary version of the song, We Are The...
50 Best Websites 2009 25 Aug 2009 | 08:15 am
TIME Magazine’s 50 Best Websites 2009 is out, and we’re extremely excited to report that a site by Electric Pulp made the list. Coming in at number 9, Academic Earth brings you lectures from MIT, Harv...
Ford Fiesta Movement 4 Aug 2009 | 01:32 am
Have we seriously not written about the Fiesta Movement yet? Wow, that’s embarrassing. Ford is an automaker with a wildly popular car called the Fiesta. (Consult the Top Gear review) Now, if you’re i...
Metal Mulisha 31 Jul 2009 | 02:11 am
The Metal Mulisha is getting ready for X Games 15 with the launch of a new website. They’re probably getting ready regardless of the new site, but there’s a certain way to start a blog post. And that ...
Sooper cute baby 4 Jun 2009 | 06:17 am
Congrats to Mitch & Heather Kramez!
First look, Tanya's Ford Fiesta 2 May 2009 | 07:23 am
One of the Electric Pulp team just pulled into town with a new car. This isn’t any car, it’s the new (2011) Ford Fiesta — a car you’d normally have to travel to Europe to see. Ford is bringing the Fi...
Doing our part to contribute to the labor pool 16 Apr 2009 | 09:25 am
Congrats to these awesome pulpsters! Wendy–will be rockin’ the motorcycle-helmet belly with baby #3–and the baby’s gender is going to remain a good ol’ mystery. Warning: she likes her snacks, so hide...
Academic Earth 25 Mar 2009 | 12:58 am
Apologies in advance if we startle anyone by posting here after a few months of not, but we wanted to let you know about something we had a hand in. Actually, there are quite a few such things we’ve h...
Feedback loop 20 Nov 2008 | 02:40 pm
What if you could wire the world to let you listen in any time someone mentioned your brand in conversation, for good, for bad, or otherwise? That could be helpful, right? Well, if the conversation is...
Alltop gets a new groove 23 Sep 2008 | 03:41 am
Guy Kawasaki is weaving the tale of Alltop on his blog today. We’re biased, of course, but it’s a great story. The initial concept (and implementation) was that of a single topic aggregator. Seven mon...