Employees - employees.org
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Twitter account for Employes.org status information 7 Sep 2012 | 10:42 pm
To augment http://status.employees.org we recently created the twitter account @EmployeesORG to report system status. You can follow @EmployeesORG on twitter or see posts at https://twitter.com/Empl...
Web mail now supported (Roundcube) 27 Jul 2012 | 03:07 am
We support web access to email, via the link https://www.employees.org/roundcube. Use your normal employees.org username and password to login.
migration complete 28 Oct 2011 | 10:56 am
DNS records have been updated, and Banjo is the new employees.org server. If there are any problems, send email to admin@employees.org
Accounts with bad passwords have been locked 10 Feb 2010 | 11:24 am
We recently cracked all of our passwords against the recently-disclosed password list described in the New York Times (and other places). We have locked all of the accounts that were found to have pa...
Unplanned outage - 2010-Jan-16 18 Jan 2010 | 12:27 pm
We are still investigating the cause of the Saturday morning outage. At this time, the only thing we know is that the system had to be hard-reset to bring it back up as it would not respond to the con...
Status.Employees.Org 25 Sep 2007 | 10:33 am
During outages of employees.org, you can visit http://status.employees.org for status updates. status.employees.org is hosted on a different computer in a different datacenter.
Welcome to employees.org 14 Jun 2004 | 06:53 am
Employees.org is now re-opened for logins. We have done our best effort to recover user data off of /dev/ad4. I remind users we do NOT back up user data and the disaster recovery plan is to wipe the ...