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Searchlove Boston: Scaling Outreach (without looking like an idiot) 21 May 2013 | 09:41 pm
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of presenting at Distilled’s Searchlove conference in Boston. I’m including the slides from my presentation below. By all means, questions, comments, or feedback are welc...
Content Marketing Worth Imitating 20 Jul 2012 | 11:25 am
I think content marketing is a scary concept for a lot of SEOs — it feels like it’s going to be hard and heavy… that you’re going to have to write the next great American novel to get your clients not...
Pitching MozCon — Shameless Self-Promotion 27 Jun 2012 | 12:16 am
Two weeks ago, the fine folks at SEOmoz announced that they were accepting speaker submissions to present at MozCon. When I read it, I got a little bit tingly inside — the good kind of tingly. You se...
Simple PHP Scraper Class 11 May 2012 | 05:22 am
I’m gave a presentation entitled “The SEOs Guide to Scraping Everything” on May 10th at the SEOmoz and SEER Interactive Meetup in Philadelphia, PA. Since I only had 8 minutes to present, I figured I’...
Sneak Peek at My Latest Project 14 Jun 2011 | 03:26 am
The above image is a quick glance at a project I’ve been working on. Hoping to roll it out before the end of the year…
You Suck at Attending Live Events 14 Jun 2011 | 03:26 am
“WTF?” is what most of you are thinking from reading that headline. “How could I suck at attending a live event?” Maybe you’ve even taken it a step further — “Isn’t that impossible to suck at? Show...
Growing Better Parenting with Targeted SEO 13 Jun 2010 | 01:36 pm
It’s been a while since my last Better Parenting updated, but things have been going really well. The site’s traffic is climbing and it’s definitely starting to bring in more revenue, but I know I’ve...
Get Visitors to Do What You Want By Giving Fewer Options 7 Apr 2010 | 01:56 pm
In launching a site, it’s easy to try to do too much. I realized that I fell into that trap a bit with Better Parenting. I was trying to increase per-visitor pageviews, generate ad revenue, create a...
Sometimes We Do Things We Know Are Dumb 3 Apr 2010 | 03:32 pm
Alternatively titled “Why I Sent My First Newsletter After Lunch on Good Friday.” I work in web development and internet marketing. Not the sleazy, dirty, 8 mile-long page with 40 fake testimonials ...
Month 1 Recap 3 Apr 2010 | 02:41 pm
It’s been a busy past two weeks at work, home, and at Better Parenting. As a result, I’ve been less active here, but I’ve got a pretty thorough recap of what’s happened lately to follow. I just fini...