Ernestojfernandez - - Dr. Ernesto J. Fernandez, dom, ap, lmhc
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Six Easy Steps to Create and Achieve Your New Years Resolutions to Feel Renewed, Revitalized and Recharged in 2011! 28 Dec 2010 | 04:17 pm
It is a popular tradition to create New Year’s Resolutions, however, many people never truly achieve their most important Resolutions for the year. I invite you to consider a different way of identify...
Are the Holiday Gifts and Presents You’re Giving Causing Stress? 13 Oct 2008 | 02:31 pm
The holidays are two months away and you are problably making your holiday shopping list. I hope this advice will make your holiday gifting a little easier. Or at least help you make more conscious ch...
How To Deal with the Emotional Trauma of Your Financial Problems 11 Oct 2008 | 06:51 am
People find it easier to discuss their sexual problems than their money problems. For a variety of reasons financial problems is a very charged topic. Whether it’s an $80,000 or $800,000 problem, dea...