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9/11 Bowing Project Journal August 11, 2013: Contact 13 Aug 2013 | 11:41 pm
August 11 was a Sunday this year. I began bowing at my usual spot across the street from Bread Alone bakery. But minutes after unrolling my banner I felt I was hiding, being too safe standing there ...
Fertility Foods: Join the Fertile Heart Virtual Pot Luck; Give a Shout Out to Your Favorite Organic Restaurant 10 Aug 2013 | 12:15 am
At this point it’s pretty clear that pesticides are endocrine disruptors. They don’t belong in our fertility boosting foods or any other foods for that matter. I could cite a list of studies to valid...
Baby Steps by Elisabeth Rohm: A Book Review by Julia Indichova 10 Jul 2013 | 11:20 pm
Good Intentions, Wrong Direction “Part of being a strong woman is speaking the goddam truth…This is no time to step back and be quiet. This is the time to speak…” says Elisabeth Rhom in the first c.....
Biological Clock or Time Bomb: Fear & Self-Loathing Do Not a Fertile Female Make 19 Jun 2013 | 09:31 pm
New “Make Britain Fertile” ad campaign by First Response features “heavily pregnant 70-year-old” in order to “alert women to start thinking about their fertility at a younger age.” Exploiting Fears o...
Hey Dad: A Card from the Not Yet Born Child 13 Jun 2013 | 11:02 pm
Happy Father’s Day to all FertileHearted Dads! I’m thinking of Jon, Annabelle’s Dad who became a father the second time around just this week. Welcome Otis! (If you need inspiration, you can read...
Lesson In-Fertility: Life as the One Teacher Who Is Not Afraid to Be Unpopular 14 May 2013 | 08:56 am
The most unpopular teacher during my high school days was an elderly woman, we’ll call her Mrs. Green. Mrs Green taught literature and every couple of weeks she assigned a paper about a poem or short ...
A Fertile Heart Mother’s Day Gift for All Flowingly Fertile Red Satin Mamas 7 May 2013 | 06:57 pm
How does Orphan Annie become a Mommy? You know we really did conceive our inconceivable baby on red sheets. True, they were red flannel sheets. Not sure why I didn’t go for satin. But it work...
Infertility: The Fertile Heart Reality Check 30 Apr 2013 | 10:07 pm
Infertility can certainly FEEL like a CRUEL punishment. The Orphans in us can come up with 10,00 reasons to see it as such. And if that is the truth you want to live, you’ll find masses of supporters...
Fertility Game Changer Time; Let’s Ditch the Victim Game & Slip Into Our Visionary Mama Suits 25 Apr 2013 | 10:19 pm
The Fertile Heart Approach to Raising Awareness: Aha Moments from the Fertile Heart Community Chat Our Fertile Heart Free Community Chat last night was a joy to be part of. These are a few aha moment...
Fertile Prayers: Boston Marathon Bombing & Parenting for Peace 16 Apr 2013 | 06:45 pm
Fertile Prayers: Boston Bombing, Orphan Rage and Visionary Anger; Parenting for Peace Rage, rage if I send you away, you’ll be back another day…That was the chant we sang in our Fertile Heart V...