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It Is Past Time To Kill "Just One Child" (But It Is Probably Too Late and You Don't Have The Guts) 11 Jun 2013 | 06:33 pm
If you live in the United States it may finally be dawning on you that you have something of a problem in the government to which you are now a Subject. In fact, the details of the [NSA Snooping|Veriz...
The "Eretria of America" 23 Apr 2013 | 10:23 pm
Having grown somewhat tired of the continued presence of their Persian appointed tyrants1 on the sacred soil of Asia Minor- not to mention the annoying Persian habit of constantly sending locals to dr...
Nucleating the False Vacuum of the European Union 25 Mar 2013 | 01:30 am
When David Eccles was around fourteen his family moved from Scotland to Utah. Once there Eccles assumed such a string of positions, ranging from work on railroads, mills, lumber concerns, and home bui...
Mach 4 19 Feb 2013 | 03:40 pm
Ernst Waldfried Josef Wenzel Mach, probably best known today for the "Mach number," a measure of velocity that obviously takes his name, is slightly less well known for the "Mach" lunar crater, and th...
Rome Was Not Built In A Day (But In 410 AD It Was Sacked In Under 72 Hours) 14 Jan 2013 | 03:39 am
Alas, the only respite from the choking cloud of mortal horror that sublimates from the formerly solid psyche when confronted with the raw depth of the abyssal absurdity trench into which the United S...
An Open Letter to Dr. Janet Rosenbaum 19 Dec 2012 | 01:45 pm
Dr. Rosembaum: It appears today that your efforts to publicize your research ("Gun Utopias? Firearm Access and Ownership in Israel and Switzerland," Journal of Public Health Policy 33, p. 47 (2012)) h...
A Series of Unfortunate Events 18 Dec 2012 | 06:30 pm
As finem respice has acquired a copy of "Gun Utopias? Firearm Access and Ownership in Israel and Switzerland," [156kb .pdf] the study by Dr. Janet Rosenbaum recently the center of much attention in th...
Mark to Myth 17 Dec 2012 | 10:47 pm
There's nothing like a good gun tragedy in the United States to focus the always erudite political discourse in that country with a bit of rational and measured debate. Obviously, the truly awful even...
The State of the Empire is Strong 7 Dec 2012 | 10:07 am
It would be extraordinarily difficult to identify a document hailing from ancient Rome more controversial than Scriptores Historiae Augustae, more commonly known as the "Historia Augusta" or the "Augu...
The Decline of Western Title Sequences 1 Dec 2012 | 08:35 am
What passes for modern film critique today leaves much to be desired. In the instant case one "Carles" a "Staff Writer" for Grantland and founder of the "authentic content farm," "Hipster Runoff," (no...