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Amy Goodman, The Freedom Archives and Lakshmi Chaudhry 12 Oct 2005 | 11:15 am
Last month we aired an excerpt from Amy Goodman’s speech at the International Labor Communicators Association conference this summer. Goodman is the host of the daily news program Democracy Now! This ...
Amy Goodman, Samar Dahmash-Jarrah and Jamie Kalven 14 Sep 2005 | 07:35 am
Listen to an excerpt from Amy Goodman‘s speech at the International Labor Communicators Association conference in Chicago. The host of Democracy Now! talks about embedded journalism in light of last A...
David Moberg & Jamie Daniel on the AFL split; Life in America’s Service Industry; Labor Against War 9 Aug 2005 | 03:14 pm
In light of the recent AFL-CIO split, this episode focuses on the future of organized labor and the changing nature of work in the United States. Aaron Sarver talks to In These Times senior editor Da...
Victor Navasky, Stay Free!, Patti Smith, Remembering James Weinstein (1926-2005) 12 Jul 2005 | 09:07 am
Victor Navasky, publisher of The Nation, talks about his more than 35 years in journalism. Navasky has just published a memoir titled A Matter of Opinion. Aaron Sarver interviews Carrie MacLaren, act...
Bernie Sanders, Silja J.A. Talvi and writers share their prose about work 14 Jun 2005 | 08:13 am
In These Times editor Joel Bleifuss interviews Representative Bernie Sanders, who is the longest-serving Independent member of Congress in American history. Sanders just announced he’s running for U.S...
Howard Zinn, Marjane Satrapi’s Embroideries, and Comments on Mayor Richard M. Daley 10 May 2005 | 09:05 am
Join Aaron Sarver for a conversation with Howard Zinn—historian, writer and activist. Zinn has just published a companion volume to his seminal A People’s History of the United States, titled Voices o...
“How to Turn Your Red State Blue,” Barbara Ransby on Ella Baker, and Teatro Americano 12 Apr 2005 | 11:39 am
Emily Udell interviews freelance journalist and In These Times contributing editor Christopher Hayes on his In These Times cover story “How to Turn Your Red State Blue.” Aaron Sarver talks with Profes...
Cornel West, Ali Abunimah and Louder than a Bomb 15 Mar 2005 | 11:06 am
On this show you’ll hear Dr. Cornel West, professor, author and rapper, speak at St. Sabina for the church’s African-American history celebration. Dr. West is author of the best-selling books Race Mat...
Ali Abunimah and Norman Finkelstein on Israel/Palestine; Urbana-Champaign Indy Media 15 Feb 2005 | 12:05 pm
Ali Abunimah, co-founder of the Electronic Intifada and vice president of the Arab-American Action Network, and professor Norman Finkelstein, author of The Holocaust Industry and many other books on I...
Tom Frank’s “Great Backlash,” Rev. Jeremiah Wright on Moral Values and Democracy, Juan Cole on Iraq 11 Jan 2005 | 09:28 am
On this episode, which marks our syndication debut on Chicago’s south side community station WHPK,… Emily Udell interviews Tom Frank, author of the bestselling book What’s the Matter with Kansas? How...