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... 8 Oct 2012 | 02:52 am
Mohammed Amine BENABDALLAH Professeur de droit public, Université Mohammed V, Agdal-Rabat - Doctorat d'Etat en Droit public, Universite de Paris II; - Diplôme des Etudes supérieures en sciences admin...
Jared Diamond on the origin of class divisions 31 Oct 2010 | 02:59 pm
Yep, it’s agriculture again: It’s clear from the page on as well as the best checking account page that bank rates are not in a great spot...
Jared Diamond on our species’ worst mistake 23 Oct 2010 | 04:08 pm
That’s right: agriculture. From a 1987 Discover magazine article: The progressivist view [that history is a march of progress] is really making a claim about the distant past: that the lives of prim...
The industrialized equivalent of !Kung San dunning? 23 Oct 2010 | 03:10 pm
The Washington Post tells me there’s turmoil in France: Unions vowed that their striking workers would keep disrupting rail and road transportation. Teenagers marched through the streets and pledged ...
Race-ing the environment 20 Oct 2010 | 04:11 pm
From Polluted Promises, p. 13: Race, numerous studies tell us, is the most potent variable in predicting where hazardous waste facilities are located — more powerful than poverty, land values, or hom...
We’re called climate hawks now — pass it on 20 Oct 2010 | 03:12 pm
In foreign policy a hawk is someone who, as Donald Rumsfeld used to put it, “leans forward,” someone who’s not afraid to flex America’s considerable muscle, someone who takes a proactive attitude towa...
Do the !Kung San like to share? 19 Oct 2010 | 04:16 pm
Not according to David Kaplan: Everyone who has worked among the Bushmen has commented upon the continual dunning [badgering] and constant pressures to share that go on. Here is Patricia Draper (1978...
“Independence is for Neanderthals.” 19 Oct 2010 | 03:18 pm
From an interview about “food resilience“: Gardening is important, but so is trade. Neanderthal stone tools, interestingly, are all found within a few miles of where the rocks originated. And the too...
Six problems income equality would help solve (Update: Did I get completely suckered by The Spirit Level?) 19 Oct 2010 | 02:19 pm
Update [10/19/10]: Read the following post with a big grain of salt. A commenter has pointed out some serious sounding criticisms of the book from much of the post is excerpted. I’ve threatened a cou...
David Buss defends evolved sex differences (exclusive!) 15 Oct 2010 | 04:20 pm
This week Scientific American ran an article of mine, “Student Surveys Contradict Claims of Evolved Sex Differences.” Here’s the gist: For more than three decades evolutionary psychologists have adva...