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Simple Sitemap 17 Jun 2012 | 09:59 pm
Buy Cheap, Get Cheap – Do You Always Get What You Pay For? 31 May 2012 | 01:02 am
Cheap parts at a high price Online repair 'technicians' and repair scams Viruses .... Continue reading →
DOS – Denial Of Service Attack 29 May 2012 | 03:33 am
If you are trying to reach service will be intermittent for a short period. If you see broken images on this web site that will be because a lot of the images come from my ...
Video Failure, Testing The Device 29 May 2012 | 01:01 am
Video failure testing for a desktop will be slightly different than testing a laptop. Because laptops have a built in video display and are easy to move around testing the embedded video will be easie...
Hard Drive Or SSD? 26 May 2012 | 01:20 am
Hard drives have been around for a long time, the SSD or Solid State Drive is new. Both concepts and actual devices have also been around for a long time. Continue reading →
Where Do These Ideas Come From? 24 May 2012 | 01:45 am
I am a stats guy, I look at where people are coming from and what they are looking for on my web sites. (I use as service called for my real time stats). I see people from all over the...