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Gone Home : Is The Fullbright Company The New Infocom? 26 Aug 2013 | 01:53 am
I just finished ”Gone Home”, a new, indie, PC game developed by the Fullbright Company. At $19.99 (through Steam) it’s the most expensive PC game I have bought in a long time, and clocking in at just ...
HTML5 Canvas (2nd Edition) Is Out, Goes Chinese! 13 Aug 2013 | 07:33 pm
Our new edition of HTML5 Canvas is out, and it's getting some good reviews. We poured a lot of effort into this one to make sure it was updated for 2013. We just heard from O'Reilly that they there...
My “Lost Age Of The The Pizza Parlour” Gets An Honorable Mention in 43rd Annual Easy Reader Essay Contest 13 Aug 2013 | 07:24 pm
A re-written version of my old 8bitrocket.com Eassy "The Lost Age Of The Pizza Parlour" was chosen as one of several "Honorbale Mentions" in the 43rd Annual Easy Reader Essay contest. Now titled "P...
Video: Chris Crawford On the “Good Old Days Of Games” From GDC 2011. 13 Aug 2013 | 06:19 am
We are finally back with something interesting. Here is a link to a video Gamasutra just posted of a talk by Chris Crawford from GDC 2011 entitled "The Good Old Days Of Games" We will have more u...
Happy Mother’s Day 13 May 2013 | 06:52 am
I entered (and won) a local writing contest for Mother's Day with the following story about my mom. When she saw it today, she had no idea I even remembered what happened in 1975, much less would w...
Coding By Google – AS3 to PHP with Simple MYSQL DB Query and Data Return Tutorial (Free Code) 9 May 2013 | 10:18 pm
By Jeff Fulton (@8bitrocket on twitter) Coding By Google - AS3 to PHP with Simple MYSQL DB Query and Data Return Tutorial (Free Code) Here at Producto Studios, I use Google to look up code all day lon...
Coding By Google – AS3 to PHP with Simple MYSQL DB Query and Data Return Tutorial (Free Code) 9 May 2013 | 10:18 pm
By Jeff Fulton (@8bitrocket on twitter) Coding By Google - AS3 to PHP with Simple MYSQL DB Query and Data Return Tutorial (Free Code) Here at Producto Studios, I use Google to look up code all day lon...
Coding By Google – AS3 to PHP with Simple MYSQL DB Query and Data Return Tutorial (Free Code) 9 May 2013 | 10:18 pm
By Jeff Fulton (@8bitrocket on twitter) Coding By Google - AS3 to PHP with Simple MYSQL DB Query and Data Return Tutorial (Free Code) Here at Producto Studios, I use Google to look up code all day l...
HTML5 Canvas Book Example Files 7 May 2013 | 08:57 pm
HTML5 Canvas Book Example Files Just in case these are not just available yet on the O'Reilly Site http://www.8bitrocket.com/html5canvas/2nd_edition_examples_2_4_8_9_10.zip http://www.8bitrocket.com/h...
Random Game Idea : A Twitter Feed To Spark Your Imagination 6 May 2013 | 11:27 pm
Over the weekend we were playing with Twitter Bots (why? Because.) and we created a Twitter account named @randomgameidea with a Twitter bot that tweets a randomized game idea every hour. These ideas...