Flexibletreeview - flexibletreeview.com - Flexible TreeView

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Summer discounts 2 Jun 2013 | 03:36 pm
Summer SALE, up to 20% discounts! Hurry up, time is limited. Summer is coming and we are happy to propose great discounts to all of our users. Please apply the discount coupon specified below in bold...
Flexible TreeView facts 2 Jun 2013 | 03:26 pm
Some interesting facts about Flexible TreeView we would like to share: - 4.5 years of development. - 1129 source files. - 4.73 Mb of source code. - 43 releases. We glad to share some interesting fact...
Flexible TreeView v3.7 8 Mar 2013 | 10:54 am
Flexible TreeView v3.7 is live. VS2012 and .NET 4.5 support, new node control added, data binding improvements, Enum data type support and much more. Flexible TreeView v3.7 has been released. It brin...
New licensing policy 4 Mar 2013 | 12:49 am
We have changed our license policy to be more flexible to our customers. Now, if you are a software developer ninja who`s working alone you can buy Flexible TreeView cheaper. Please read this topic a...
Knowledge base update - IMG HTML tag support 20 Feb 2013 | 11:47 pm
The IMG HTML tag support description has been added. If you need to display an image inside a HTML text in the node please read our updated Knowledge Base article of how to do that. Our updated HTML ...
Visual Studio 2012 and .NET 4.5 support added 11 Feb 2013 | 12:49 am
Visual Studio 2012 and .NET 4.5 support has been added! We are happy to announce that Flexible TreeView now supports Visual Studio 2012 and have a separate version targeted .NET Framework v4.5 that y...
NetDeveloperTools.com is live! 20 Jan 2013 | 09:12 pm
ARMSoft company is happy to present you our new initiative for .NET professionals - NetDeveloperTools.com, the place where every .NET professional can find a tool that greatly save the time during yo...
Buy 10 Licenses - Get Source Codes for FREE 22 Oct 2012 | 11:47 pm
Flexible TreeView Team continue provide more value for less money! Flexible TreeView Team continue provide more value for less money! Now, buying 10 Developer Licenses Pack you will also get Source ...
Flexible TreeView v3.6 20 Oct 2012 | 09:00 am
Flexible TreeView v3.6 has been released. New and useful node control, progress bar color customization per node, API improvements, etc. Flexible TreeView v3.6 has been released and it brings you the...
Time limited special offer 24 Jul 2012 | 12:00 pm
Huge Summer Discounts are here! Hurry up, time is limited. Summer discounts are here! Hurry up, time is limited, only till the end of August!