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I’m Moving Home – www.LucidAbility.com 29 May 2012 | 07:41 am
Although I will continue to explore creativity, I have decided to put all my efforts into Lucid Dreaming. I’ve been intentionally practicing lucid dreaming now for almost a year. I’m not an expert by...
The Education System Killed Your Dreams, But It’s Not Too Late To Fix It 20 May 2012 | 06:11 am
Were you rewarded for being creative at school? My guess — NO! The intelligent kids got all the gold stars and teachers praise. They were the only kids likely to get accepted to a great college, and...
The Usain Bolt Guide To Waking Up Inside Your Dreams 19 May 2012 | 09:41 am
Fast Results Are you looking to experience your first lucid dream? Maybe you’ve had one before but it’s not a regular occurrence. I’ve wrote a short book which will enable the average person to have...
What The Butterfly Effect Can Teach You About Stepping Outside Your Bubble 11 May 2012 | 05:55 am
Are you struggling to come up with innovative new ideas to help make your business more successful? Maybe you’ve exhausted all your options and are about to give up. If it’s at that stage there doesn...
The Greatest Discovery You Will Ever Make 6 May 2012 | 07:03 pm
I was sitting in a helicopter last night with three people I’d never seen before in my life. Looking back, I had no idea how I ended up in the helicopter, or how I ended up with 3 strangers. Somethin...
6 Inspirational Podcasts To Make Your Business Explode 28 Apr 2012 | 10:10 am
Time is money! I hate that statement. It’s something I’ve never bought into. I don’t like the sound of it. It sounds stressful, as if our whole life revolves around working non-stop. As someone who...
A Shortcut To Instant Creativity 23 Apr 2012 | 10:02 am
Do shortcuts work? If you could bypass months of hard work and come out with the same results, would you do it? When we speak about improving our creativity, we’re talking about training our brain t...
Stop Wasting Your Time — Build A Real Business 22 Apr 2012 | 11:50 am
How much time have you wasted “chasing the dream?” We live in a day and age where anyone can start an online business with very little money. Back in the old days it was mortgage on the line and on y...
Are You Missing The Secret Ingredient To Success? 19 Apr 2012 | 09:41 am
It used to be easy to succeed. These days, it’s a lot harder. Knowledge isn’t enough. In the past, all you had to do was read a lot, separate the garbage from the gold, and use your newly acquired k...