Florastewartsailing - florastewartsailing.com

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Injury hits the team hard 14 Mar 2012 | 08:12 am
Two weeks ago we flipped the boat on land to check something on the mast. Something that we would do on a regular basis, but I suddenly felt my back go. I was in quite a lot of pain but didn’t think t...
February Sailing 14 Mar 2012 | 08:11 am
Well we are back in Weymouth and into our own boat again. Feels like I am now home. For our first weekend back it wasn’t as cold as we thought it would have been but that quickly changed. I always see...
New Zealand 14 Mar 2012 | 08:10 am
Well it seems like ages ago that we were out in New Zealand at the Junior World Championships. We were the only Brits to make the 2-day journey to the other side of the world. In total we were away fr...
National Ranker 18 Oct 2011 | 10:50 pm
The National Ranker this weekend in Weymouth was very different to the one last month. It was light winds are very shifty. On Saturday we sailed well and had a second and also a race win. Sunday showe...
Prestigious Marlow Rope Award 7 Oct 2011 | 01:08 am
Skandia Team GBR Transitional Squad sailors Anna Burnett and Flora Stewart have received an additional boost to their flourishing 470 campaign by being awarded with the prestigious Marlow Ropes Award....
Marlow Rope Award 28 Sep 2011 | 04:33 am
We have just been awarded the Marlow Rope Award where we collected our prize at the Southampton Boat Show. This is a brilliant award to win as it will supply us with the best rope on the market for a ...
September 28 Sep 2011 | 04:30 am
September has had its good and bad moments. We went back training and hit it hard, but unfortunately I got ill so it put us out of training for 2 days. Putting in long hours on the water while the tem...
New boat 16 Sep 2011 | 06:59 am
Down in Weymouth, training at the moment. I am fighting a throat and eye infection so didn’t sail yesterday. Had a good sail today but in the last hour lost a lot of my energy. Early to bed tonight be...
Training Starts Again 7 Sep 2011 | 08:46 am
First couple of days of training has passed and we haven’t got out on the water yet. Wind speeds of 58 Knots. It does mean we have been breaking ourselves in the gym. We both survived the Fitness test...
Silver Medal at 470 Junior Championship 2011- Summer Review 7 Sep 2011 | 08:33 am
Over the past couple of months we have seen a huge improvement in our sailing. For the first time ever we were able to put a series of results together in a major competition. Before we had a wind str...