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REOPEN OF ZOO NOOB FORUM 8 Dec 2008 | 03:34 pm
Ok i announce that this noob forum is our Forum for now... all pls register with ur own In GAME NICK....
What happen TO WL........?? 20 Nov 2008 | 04:33 pm
I was leaving now............ WTF WL making kos us...... I will join back zoo when i was hit lv 85 and above........ Miss u all ZOO member ..... 2nd is noob VGM leave with no responsible at all......
KOS LIST!! 20 Nov 2008 | 03:04 am
Under KoS list now is... Legion_pl(short forms as DOGS) when u hear guildies sayin dog or hot dog = to LEGION_Pl ppl.. Cyclone = Doggies fren
pls help me guy?????? 10 Nov 2008 | 04:55 pm
help me go hh1-2 hunt mats me need new armor pls 2night
Members w/out forum ranks 9 Nov 2008 | 11:18 pm
Pls reply here if uu do not have any forum rank attach.. ii may have missed out on uu or couldn't find ur nick in-game
RuleZ OF ENGAGEMENT w/ Dog(s) 4 Nov 2008 | 05:33 pm
Guyz .. i know alot of u hav gd eq .. but .. 1. IF u r SERIOUS OUTNUMBER .. DUN TRY engage then 2. IF get AMBUSH .. RUN INTO secured zone n scan surrounding 4 dog then engage with them 3. WAIT 4 SU...
VERY IMPORTANT THING TO NOTE.... 21 Oct 2008 | 02:18 pm
Listen carefully everyone... I know that breaking zhen is an important thing if happen to found any enemy or KOS list ppl inside.. but i hope if lets say ur guildies happen to party with KOS list ppl...
Rule for all member in Zoo 17 Oct 2008 | 04:37 pm
Rule 1 : Never random pk. Rule 2 : help member whenever u are possible Rule 3 : Personal KOS guildie are not allow to help PK Rule 4 : Never get involve in Warlord and BLACK problem Rule 5 : Be ha...