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hi im interested in buying bulk lego new and used 28 Apr 2013 | 07:49 am
looking to buy new or used lego bulk mixed lots or sets. instructions or no instructions. reasonable prices. also if there is a particular part u need I may have it as I have collected over 70 kgs ...
Welcome to our new admin 1 Sep 2012 | 06:52 am
Just a quick welcome to the admin team to Brickie. Since most of the current admin team are no longer very active I've decided to promote Brickie to Admin since he's been an active member for a long ...
Tutorial: Resizing Pictures 29 Aug 2009 | 01:20 pm
Resizing Pictures [left]I recently got asked by marvin why his pictures where cut off. Well to start they are most likely to big so how do we resize a pic well the most easy and common way for us may...
Tutorial: Deeplinking Images 29 Aug 2009 | 01:14 pm
Firstly, deeplinking is merely the process of inserting images into your posts rather than just links. There are a few things you need before you can deeplink any images. Pictures!!! But they may be...
I'm back! 17 Aug 2009 | 09:57 pm
Hi all. For those you don't know or remember me I am hollisbrick. I started this site along with legois to what seems to have been a while back. Because of some personell issues I have had to quit som...
Non Aussie/Nz Members 13 Aug 2009 | 03:31 am
Should non-Aussie/Nz members be allowed in? *Note Aussie & Nz members overseas can still join
How do I create links in my sig block? 4 May 2009 | 11:48 am
Over at Eurobricks, I have some links in my sig block. The code looks like this: [url=""]My Brickshelf Gallery[/url] , which results in displ...
How do I change the Title underneath my Avatar? 11 Apr 2009 | 11:07 am
I can't remember typing anything in my profile for my title to appear, in fact it looks like part of my sig block. How do I change it?