Francorchamps - - Royal syndicat d'initiative de Francorchamps

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Activités dans nos village en Mai et juin 2012 16 May 2012 | 12:43 am
Un relevé des diverses activités dans nos villages pendant les mois de mai et juin
Exposition du 1 au 12 avril 20012 22 Mar 2012 | 09:07 pm
Le Royal syndicat d'initiativeorganise une exposition de peintures et de bijoux en céramique de Martine Toubon, Cyrielle Aubinet et Inès Poumay.
Programme balade RSIF en 2012 20 Mar 2012 | 10:58 pm
Le RSIF organise, en collaboration avec l'office de tourisme de Stavelot, plusieurs promenades guidées dont voici la liste :
CARNAVAL 16 Feb 2012 | 11:19 am
La période du carnaval nous ramène des traditions bien ancrées dans nos villages. Voici un relevé des diverses festivités proposées.
Let us walk in the woods 7 Oct 2011 | 11:53 pm
when the hunter is not there. To know the dates of the hunting to see the site of municipal administration:
Let us walk in the woods 7 Oct 2011 | 07:53 pm
when the hunter is not there. To know the dates of the hunting to see the site of municipal administration:
Beau velo de Ravel on August 6 7 Jul 2011 | 09:12 pm
Adrien Joveneau and his team of RTBF invite for many years every Saturday in July and August many listeners on the roads in the countryside. On August 6 starting in Malmedy they propose
Twinning- Francorchamps Pommard 7 Jul 2011 | 09:06 pm
As part of the forty-fifth anniversary of the twinning-Francorchamps Pommard which will be celebrated this year from July 22 to 24, the Tourist offfice of Francorchamps organized from July 14 to Augus...
Beau velo de Ravel on August 6 7 Jul 2011 | 05:12 pm
Adrien Joveneau and his team of RTBF invite for many years every Saturday in July and August many listeners on the roads in the countryside. On August 6 starting in Malmedy they propose
Twinning- Francorchamps Pommard 7 Jul 2011 | 05:06 pm
As part of the forty-fifth anniversary of the twinning-Francorchamps Pommard which will be celebrated this year from July 22 to 24, the Tourist offfice of Francorchamps organized from July 14 to Augus...