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Geng He Speak on the Hill for her husband Gao Zhisheng 6 Mar 2013 | 01:24 am
China Aid Association March 5, 2013 We Shall Not Keep Silent by Geng He Dear ladies and gentlemen, how are you? I’m very grateful that Freedom House and China Aid Association are sponsoring this...
Human Rights Challenges in China 28 Feb 2013 | 11:09 pm
Freedom House and ChinaAid cordially invite you to a discussion on Human Rights Challenges in China Tuesday, March 5, 2013 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Room 210, Cannon House Office Building Capitol H...
狱中高智晟在严控下12日获准见家人 18 Jan 2013 | 08:20 am
RFA张敏 (自由亚洲电台“心灵之旅”访谈节目主持人张敏采访报道2013,01,17) *高智晟新疆沙雅监狱服刑一年多以来第二次获准见家人* 在中国新疆沙雅监狱服刑已一年多的中国维权律师高智晟1月12日下午在严控下第二次获准见家人,距上次家人探视已9个多个月。 现在美国的高智晟的太太耿和接受我的采访,谈到她打电话给高智晟的四弟,得知他和耿和的父亲一起去监狱探视的一些情况。 耿和:“我也是这...
ChinaAid News Flash: Gao Zhisheng Alive! Family Visits Him in Prison 3 Apr 2012 | 10:03 am
China Aid Association (Shaya, Xinjiang—March 28, 2012) ChinaAid has confirmed that relatives of prominent Chinese human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng were finally allowed to visit him in prison last we....
Prominent Chinese Human Rights Lawyer Confirmed Alive 3 Apr 2012 | 09:58 am
Christianity Today March 29, 2012 10:27AM Morgan Feddes Gao Zhisheng had disappeared into police custody nearly two years ago. For the first time in nearly two years, family members of prominent Chi...
Radio Free Asia Exclusive: Gao Zhisheng’s family visit him in Shaya Prison on March 24 3 Apr 2012 | 09:56 am
(By Zhang Min, Radio Free Asia reporter, March 27, 2012) The older brother and father-in-law of rights defense lawyer Gao Zhisheng visited him on March 24 visited him, separated by a glass partition,...
持续关注高智晟陈光诚及中国法制状况 3 Apr 2012 | 09:50 am
RFA张敏 (自由亚洲电台“心灵之旅”访谈节目主持人张敏采访报道2012,03,31) *得知高智晟家人确认在沙雅监狱见到高智晟以后* 在中国的维权律师高智晟被失踪与家人失去一切联系近两年后,他的家人3月24日去沙雅监狱,确认见到了高智晟律师。海内外各方人士得知这一消息后,进一步关注高智晟律师现在能否享有法定的各项权利,同时关注已被围困在家中一年半,近来仍然没有任何音讯的山东盲人维权人士陈光诚...
Focal Point: Whether Gao Zhiyi Will Be Allowed to Visit Gao Zhisheng 11 Jan 2012 | 07:03 am
By Zhang Min, Anchor, Spiritual Journey, Radio Free Asia January 7, 2012 Gao and his son On January 1, 2012, Gao Zhiyi received a notice from the Shaya Jail, which did not mention when the family co...
聚焦:高智义能否探视高智晟成焦点 10 Jan 2012 | 07:49 am
高智晟的妻子和女儿,儿子 RFA张敏 (自由亚洲电台“心灵之旅”访谈节目主持人张敏采访报道2012,01,07) *高智义1月1日收到沙雅监狱通知书,其中未提及家属何时可探监* 前面节目中报道了,中国维权律师高智晟再次被失踪二十个月后,新华社12月16日发出英文短讯,称高智晟律师违反缓刑规定,已被送回监狱执行原判三年实刑。但是,在当时和之后的两周内,没有关于高智晟在哪个监狱服刑的消息,家人也...
"Red String": A letter from Gao's wife to Gao 5 Jan 2012 | 07:18 am
Jan 4, 2012: From left: Gao's daughter Geng Ge, Gao's wife Geng He, Gao Zhisheng, Gao's son Gao Tianyu. Human rights lawyer Gao Zhish...