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WoW Warrior Guide: Arms in PvE 27 Jan 2013 | 07:54 pm
by Matthew Rossi Still haven’t gotten a good offhand to test Single-Minded Fury, and so the past week I decided to switch to arms for my raiding spec. Yeah, I’m raiding as DPS at the start of an expa...
WoW Warlock Guide: Vault’s end with multitarget magic 26 Jan 2013 | 07:51 pm
by Megan O’Neill I thought maybe I’d goofed, that I’d mis-timed the first two-thirds of Mogu’shan Vaults and would need to interrupt to make a fun post about Black Temple and some new warlock lore. S...
WoW Shaman Guide: Healing Gara’jal and Spirit Kings 25 Jan 2013 | 07:48 pm
by Joe Perez Mogu’shan Vaults starts out with a bang. By bang, however, I mean that the first two fightsare all about execution to get past then successfully. Your raid group will have to work in conc...
WoW Warlock Guide: Speccing for old world raids 24 Jan 2013 | 07:42 pm
by Megan O’Neill Patch 5.1 introduced pets to the vanilla-era raids. Patch 4.3 introduced transmogrification, which brought old raids back. Before that, some players would solo or duo old raids just ...
WoW Transmogrification Guide: Transmog an outfit to match your exalted Klaxxi tabard 23 Jan 2013 | 07:38 pm
by Dawn Moore Sometimes I think I’m the only person who likes the Klaxxi. It seems like everyone either hates them because they’re bugs, or hates them because all their quests are in the Dread Wastes...
WoW Addons Guide: Raid healing addons, part two 22 Jan 2013 | 07:33 pm
by Olivia Grace Healium Healium takes quite a different approach to the other addons I’ve reviewed so far in this set of Addon Spotlights. VuhDo, Healbot, and Grid+Clique are all click-to-heal addons,...
WoW Addons Guide: Raid healing addons, part one 21 Jan 2013 | 07:31 pm
by Olivia Grace Getting Started I’ve been talking about addon configuration quite a bit recently, with some criticisms of a couple of addons’ setup methods. Configuration is really, really important ...
WoW Pet Battle Guide: Sporeling Sprout, the humanoid wild pet you’ve always wanted 20 Jan 2013 | 07:29 pm
by Alex Ziebart If you haven’t purchased the Pandaren Monk pet off of the Blizzard store (or don’t have access to the numerous limited edition murlocs and holiday pets), it can be a challenge finding...
WoW Paladin Guide: Retribution talents and glyphs for Terrace of Endless Spring 19 Jan 2013 | 07:26 pm
by Dan Desmond I really like Terrace of Endless Spring. In my eyes, Terrace represents a continuation of the process of experimentation the developers began in Trial of the Crusader, namely that of m...
WoW Leveling Guide: Alternative leveling in the Isle of Quel’Danas 18 Jan 2013 | 07:23 pm
by Robin Torres I’m bored of Northrend. It is beautiful and has lovely music and is full of lore and I’m bored. It’s the new Outland for me and my alts. Other ways to level abound, of course, but the...