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Food and Herb Cures :: 10 Natural Antibiotic Alternatives 27 Aug 2013 | 01:34 am
It’s good to grow in our knowledge of simple foods, plants, flowers, and herbs that can be used to protect us against illness as well as cure us from infections and disease. Some of these foodstuffs c...
Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways #86 21 Aug 2013 | 08:43 pm
The Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways Blog Hop Welcome to Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways, this is a blog hop! If you are a blogger, please feel free to link-up and share as many posts as you would like per...
Tips for Real Food Storage and Preparedness 20 Aug 2013 | 07:49 pm
Food Storage and Preparedness eBook Bundle! — only $10.95 from August 19th-26th – Have you ever wondered how you’d feed your family if the retail grocery store system failed? Do rising prices and decl...
Home Remedies for Hyperpigmentation :: A DIY Skin Brightening Facial Mask 20 Aug 2013 | 08:32 am
Before having babies and moving to the desert, I had beautiful skin. But about four years ago, the skin on my face started showing signs of hyperpigmentation…and it really started to bother me! So I s...
Back to School Herbal Syrup :: Make Your Own Immune Booster for Children 16 Aug 2013 | 06:23 pm
It’s back to school for most children throughout the country. And with it comes exposure of many threats to the immune systems of our precious little ones. Complaints of sore throats, stuffy noses, an...
Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways #85 14 Aug 2013 | 10:04 pm
The Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways Blog Hop Welcome to Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways, this is a blog hop! If you are a blogger, please feel free to link-up and share as many posts as you would like per...
Natural Insomnia Remedy :: Make Your Own Herbal Sublingual Sleep Aid Spray 12 Aug 2013 | 04:43 am
I am fairly confident that most of us, at some time in our lives, have experienced trouble sleeping. Insomnia can come on during times of transition and last for only a few nights…then there is the ty...
Modern Homesteading and Sustainable Living :: Romance vs. Reality 9 Aug 2013 | 11:48 pm
The good and simple life. Homesteading. Sustainable living. Ask 5 people to define modern homesteading and sustainable living and you’ll get 5 very different answers. Buzzwords for sure. The idea of i...
Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways #84 7 Aug 2013 | 09:57 pm
The Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways Blog Hop Welcome to Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways, this is a blog hop! If you are a blogger, please feel free to link-up and share as many posts as you would like per...
An All-Natural Alternative to Ibuprofen :: Herbal Anti-Inflammatory Capsules 1 Aug 2013 | 10:14 pm
Ibuprofen. A multitude of people turn to ibuprofen daily due to pain, swelling/inflammation, and fever. This class of over-the-counter (and occasionally prescription) medication known as a non-steroid...