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Poker, an unconventional way to learn a language 24 Nov 2011 | 07:18 pm
Being Canadian people expect a few things from you: You love hockey You eat poutine as if it were a food group Your cardiovascular system does not circulate blood, but instead maple syrup Eh? And...
How To Get Out of Jury Duty 27 Jun 2007 | 12:06 pm
Judy duty is one of those things that every person is obligated to do as their “civic duty,” but it’s a huge pain in the ass! It throws your life out of joint for a few days, weeks, or even months; it...
99 Excuses For Skipping Out of Work Early 27 Jun 2007 | 10:48 am
My kids are locked outside. My kids are locked inside. My kids are stuck in the door. I have to help my grandmother bake cookies. I have to help my Aunt Flo in Omaha make cookies. She’s much bette...
How to Get Around Blocked Web Sites at School or Work: A Newbie’s Guide 19 Jun 2007 | 04:52 am
If you work at a large company, or go to just about any school, you’ve probably tried to browse to a favorite website only to find that it’s been blocked from your view. It may be annoying, but networ...
ISP Tech Support Tools 29 Apr 2007 | 02:33 pm
If you’re “lucky” enough to work in the Technical Support Dept. for an ISP, I would hope you already have a host of tools as your disposal to help you do your job. That being said, if you’ve worked fo...
WordPress 2.0.6 6 Jan 2007 | 03:30 pm
WordPress 2.0.6 was just released. Everyone should update!
How to Really Annoy Someone 9 Nov 2006 | 04:08 am
Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies. In the memo field of all your checks, write “for sexual favors.” Specify that your drive-through order is “TO-GO.” I...
Living in 2006 18 Oct 2006 | 12:29 pm
You know you are living in 2006 when… 1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave. 2. You haven’t played solitaire with real cards in years. 3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to r...
How to Shoot Yourself in the Foot in Any Programming Language 4 Oct 2006 | 01:17 pm
The proliferation of modern programming languages (all of which seem to have stolen countless features from one another) sometimes makes it difficult to remember what language you’re currently using. ...
20 Important Rules for the English Language 4 Oct 2006 | 06:49 am
A quick and quirky ‘Top 20′ list of the most common rules broken in the English Language. Verbs has to agree with their subjects. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with. And don’t start a...