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Principles of User Interface Design 8 May 2012 | 05:42 pm
"To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit; it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify, to clarify, to modify, to dignify, to dramatize, to persuade, an...
发掘美丽的 Android 桌面 5 Jan 2012 | 10:40 pm
Android 的桌面是一个千变万化的地方,光 Launcher 就有好几种。最近发现一个以 Android 桌面为主题的网站 myColorscreen,里面有很多风格迥异,美观的桌面,都是来自网友的智慧。 分享我从这上面发掘到的美丽桌面: 1.Simplistic,极简主义风格: 2.It’s A Me. Mario!,可爱的马里奥大叔又来了: 3.Colorfull,可爱的风格,适合...
Design difference ios4 and ios5 1 Dec 2011 | 08:41 pm
There are several minor user interface design changes on iOS 5, but only designer will notice about these. SMS text bubble dialog is improved to be more 3D graphics. On IOS5, the distance is reduce ...
移动手持及平板电脑和网页应用设计UI规范 8 Sep 2011 | 06:09 pm
Official user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) guidelines from the manufacturers, links to which you can find below, are a source of inspiration for mobile web and app design. Here, you will fi...
Nokia’s New Brand Typeface 29 Apr 2011 | 07:23 pm
Nokia is the company many of us used to buy our phone from, before you-know-who started making the you-know-what. Since then Nokia has been in gradual, steady decline. To the point where the CEO felt ...
苹果的程序图标中隐藏的秘密 11 Feb 2011 | 11:16 pm
如果你是苹果用户,那么 Mac 和 iPhone 中的图标可谓早已司空见惯,但是你知道这些图标中隐藏的秘密么?这些看过之后就被忽略的东西,却在细节之中体现了科技产品中蕴含的人性和趣味。Electricpig 最近一篇文章,列举了苹果的程序中一些内含深意的图标 。我们一起来看一看这些图标背后的故事: iPhone、iPod Touch、iPad 图标 Maps 红色的大头针标注的是苹果在加州 ...
星巴克将启用新Logo 6 Jan 2011 | 09:09 pm
北京时间1月6日早间消息,星巴克(Starbucks Corp)(SBUX)周三展示了一个新的商标,其设计是将老商标中原本环绕在圆形海妖图标以外的外圈拿掉,并去掉原本位于内圈和外圈之间的“Starbucks Coffee”(星巴克咖啡)字样。 就在星巴克推出这个新商标几小时以后,该公司网站及Facebook等社交媒体平台上就已有人对这一改动表示反对。这个新商标将从3月份开始正式启用。 一位星巴...
帮朋友发一份招聘信息 29 Dec 2010 | 08:08 pm
国内一家知名的公司,产品遍及国内外市场,目前需要组建一个独立的设计团队。 Position: GUI Lead, Beijing Client Summary: Our client is a china based, multi-national technology corporation who sells and markets its own hardware, software ...
收藏吧! 设计师们! 60+ Must Like Design Blogs 14 Dec 2010 | 04:59 pm
1. 1stwebdesigner 1stwebdesigner is a design blog dedicated to bloggers, freelancers, web-developers and designers. The topics are focused on web design, graphic design, tutorials and inspirational a...
平面设计师的10款搜索利器 13 Dec 2010 | 06:53 pm
转载:fisherv 作为平面设计师经常需要寻找很多各种各样的素材,例如标志、图标、矢量图片、材质和字体等。这些对于设计师而言都是很重要的资源,因为不是每一样东西都要我们自己做出来的,开始一个方案之前总是先要搜索一番。今天我们为大家分享10款平面资源的搜索利器,以便助能够助你一臂之力,达到事半功倍的效果。 1) Iconlet 2) Vector Stock 3) Font Stock 4...