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Untitled 18 Sep 2012 | 09:10 pm
We've moved! Please come and catch up with progress on plot #103, our new shed (called Smilla!) and the award we won ... find us at:
Extreme weather allotment growing 10 Jul 2012 | 11:34 pm
This is not a post I ever expected to be writing in July! But I’ve spoken to several allotment holders this week who are battling floods or who have, like us, lost trees to the gale force winds we’re ...
Allotment potatoes 6 Jul 2012 | 12:15 am
We’re having mixed results with our spuds. One of the big problems with taking over an allotment is that you never know what’s been done with the soil before you get it, and if it’s been overgrown for...
Greenhouse pollinating 2 Jul 2012 | 11:13 pm
This tomato flower is double. That’s odd. The pollination will be interesting although I wanted to nip it off, I was overruled by OH who wants to see what happens. Once again I’m reminded that a littl...
End of month recipe: Caramelised Onions 29 Jun 2012 | 06:24 pm
So, you’ve got your overwintered onions, all big and juicy and you want to be able to use them for months – but they don’t keep like summer onions, so how can you ensure you’ve got that wonderful mild...
Fingering onions 25 Jun 2012 | 10:36 pm
We’ve had a great haul from the plot this week, and the Grow and Tell workshoppers got to take home some broad beans, peas and overwintered onions. One of the things we looked at this week was a bit o...
Allotment windbreaks 22 Jun 2012 | 08:54 pm
Today we have 28 mph winds on the allotment. The actual temperature (16 degrees) feels like 11 degrees. Plants exposed to such strong winds with low temperatures are likely to desiccate even if they d...
Allotment horror story 19 Jun 2012 | 11:25 pm
I don’t have anything but questions today – the main question being: what is this? Or perhaps WHAT IS THIS? Because when a creature as big as my thumb is hanging around outside one of my cauliflower ...
Allotment mulches 14 Jun 2012 | 11:21 pm
The strawberries are being munched by both slugs and woodlice. One of our allotment neighbours told us that if we had woodchip paths we would get woodlice – annoyingly he seems to be right. There are ...
Water, weeds and wintry weather on the allotment 12 Jun 2012 | 05:05 pm
We’re in a strange situation, as is much of the country – drought order in effect and floods everywhere. On the allotment our water butts are running over and our storage tanks are leaking onto the su...