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Cara Hitung consumption Duck Down dalam Jacket 26 Jul 2012 | 01:33 pm
Misal 1 jacket 250gr duck down Placement dock down: Ukuran bagian berdasarkan measurement luas kain (measurement pola jacket) 1 back body = 1 bagian 1 front body kiri = 1/2 bagian back body 1 fro...
Marker Making 9 Apr 2011 | 08:02 am
taken from Acknowledgement Logically, a study is the crystallization of the thoughts of many committed to that by one person. In view of this, we gratefull...
Jenis bahan Kaos, gramasi benang, Rajutan dan finishing 13 Mar 2011 | 04:15 am
JENIS-JENIS BAHAN KAOS 1. COTTON, ada 2 macam berdasarkan spesifikasi benang: COTTON COMBED: - Serat benang lebih halus. - Hasil Rajutan dan penampilan lebih rata. COTTON CARDED: - Serat benang ...
JENIS Tinta Sablon 13 Mar 2011 | 04:11 am
Tinta diatas bahan kaos ada dua jenis, yaitu tinta yang berbasis air atau waterbase inks dan tinta yang berbasis minyak atau solvenbase. Tinta solvenbase sering disebut dengan istilah plastisol. JENI...
A Guide to Sewing Machine Needle Selection 10 Mar 2011 | 07:15 am
The correct selection of sewing machine needles to suit the thread and fabric being sewn results in more satisfactory stitching. Fine fabrics should be sewn with fine a sewing machine needle, heavier ...
Fabric Yardage Conversion Information 10 Mar 2011 | 07:12 am
Converting from one width fabric to another is tricky. Sewing pattern manufacturers use sophisticated computer programs to determine the best possible layout for each size and width of fabric. Charts...
Knit Fabric Types 10 Mar 2011 | 07:07 am
Knit Fabric Types Double knit is a firm, medium to heavy weight fabric which has fine ribs and usually looks the same on both sides. Because the fabric has minimal stretch, patterns designed for wove...
Kelompok Sosialisasi Hati 28 Feb 2011 | 06:31 pm
Profil Kelompok Sosialisasi Hati Latar belakang & Tujuan KSH Tujuan: Mengenalkan Penggunaan Hati dan manfaatnya dalam kehidupan sehari2 1. Semua pernah mengenal (mendengar) tentang Hati 2. Hati a...
Various technique to put image on screen for screen printing 25 Feb 2011 | 08:56 pm
taken from on this post, i will put various technique to use to put image on screen that i found on web.. 1. Regular Screen Printing technique – emultion base screen ...
Costing Technique 21 Feb 2011 | 05:47 am
In order to achieve perfect garment costing, one must know about all the activities including purchase of fabrics, sewing, packing, transport, overheads, etc and also about their costs, procedures, ...