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A simple perl program to count the occurences of a string in a given text. 8 Jul 2009 | 06:23 pm
In this program we are going to use the split function in perl to count the occurrences of a particular string in a given text. Analysis In line 5, if we don’t add the blank space before and after t...
C++ and Java in Online Games 27 Jun 2009 | 03:46 am
There seems to be a new trend in the world of C++ programming with regards to online games. The trend in question is taking an existing game and running it in a browser online. There’s a lot of open s...
Installing perl and writing your first perl program in Ubuntu 5 Jun 2009 | 11:43 pm
What Is Perl? Perl is an acronym, short for Practical Extraction and Report Language. It was designed by Larry Wall as a tool for writing programs in the UNIX environment and is continually being upd...
Some JavaScript basics 11 May 2009 | 02:26 am
Learn javaScript I recently started watching Essentials of javaScript by DoriSmith @ Lynda.Com, It’s very interesting, easy to understand and helpful like many other video tutorials at Lynda.Com. Vi...
simple Implementation of stack using a linked list 4 Dec 2008 | 10:13 pm
Stacks are linear data structures. This means that their contexts are stored in what looks like a line (although vertically). This linear property, however, is not sufficient to discriminate a stack f...
Implementation of Singly linked list in C plus plus 8 Nov 2008 | 10:20 am
The simplest kind of linked list is a singly-linked list , which has one link per node. This link points to the next node in the list, or to a null value or empty list if it is the final node.A singly...
A C++ program to generate a Pascal’s triangle 28 Oct 2008 | 09:49 pm
A C++ program to generate a Pascal’s triangle which is as follows: Download the program Pascals-Triangle
A C++ program to generate a Pascal’s triangle 28 Oct 2008 | 05:49 pm
A C++ program to generate a Pascal’s triangle which is as follows: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 Download the program Pascals-Triangle
Program to convert infix expression to postfix in C | Shunting yard algorithm 19 Oct 2008 | 04:46 pm
This program is a implementation of shunting yard algorithm to convert an infix expression to post fix expression, This is a extension of the stack program published earlier Algorithm:(Taken from wik...
Implementaion of Stack as an Array in C language 2 Sep 2008 | 06:11 am
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