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Young, gifted and pregnant 5 Jul 2011 | 06:50 am
Girl-Mom publisher Bee Lavender talks about the experience of becoming a teen parent, and why she started this site: One cold, clear night in the spring of 1990 I let myself into my parents' home, qu...
About Girl-Mom 5 Jul 2011 | 04:47 am
Teenage pregnancy is not a "crisis" or "epidemic," like so many people would like us to believe. The only true epidemic associated with teen pregnancy is the overwhelming and universal lack of support...
Why WE LOVE being single and/or young mamas 20 Aug 2007 | 03:18 am
Compiled by many members of the Girl-Mom community: - Today I took him to the park, and I'm still energetic and agile enough to run around and climb the monkey bars with him! - I know I won't hurt m...
A Report Back: Girlmom at the United States Social Forum 4 Jul 2007 | 04:00 pm
by Rebecca Trotzky Sirr The first United States Social Forum in Atlanta, Georgia in June 2007 brought over ten thousand community organizers and leaders together to build a vision for a world based i...
Reclaiming my sexuality by Ella 22 Jun 2007 | 05:17 am
Never in my life had I imagined that I could find a moment like this liberating. But then, most of my life, I never imagined a moment like this would happen. I am sitting on my bed, my legs crossed i...
Girlmom goes to the US Social Forum 9 May 2007 | 03:20 pm
The Girlmom community is organizing to present a workshop at the US Social Forum along with SisterSong about reproductive health justice for young parents. The US Social Forum (USSF) held in Atlanta ...
Can it be possible to fall out of love with your own baby? by momtobe19 18 Apr 2007 | 02:10 pm
Its a touchy subject. Mama's all over the world who may feel that they have lost a sense of love with their children but are to afraid to express themselves because of fears that society will condem u...
I threw out my skinny pants. by mamamayhem 11 Apr 2007 | 12:53 pm
No, I’m not talking about “skinny jeans,” those pants barely any woman looks good in. I’m talking about those pants you have. I don’t know if we all have them, but I bet most of us do. They sit in you...
When Is the World Going to Wake Up by Peredhil86 24 Mar 2007 | 04:51 pm
Many of you have probably seen or heard about Gaps PRODUCT(RED) campaign to raise money for women and children living with HIV/AIDS in Africa. (dont even get me started on how hypocritical this is on ...
What Makes the Red Man Red? by naivete 15 Mar 2007 | 02:37 am
A discussion on another board really got me thinking about this. In today's day and age where racism is only acceptable if it's subtle or hidden, everyone insists that there is no blatant racism any ...