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Raphie Radio Show: My Publicist Checks in From Long Island 1 Nov 2012 | 06:45 pm
Yesterday on the WPLJ’s Ralphie Aversa Show, Ralphie checked in with his publicist Mark Goldman from Goldman McCormick PR who has been without power since Tuesday. Mark gives Ralphie a first hand acc...
How Penn State Can Recover From Their Catastrophic Paterno PR Nightmare 11 Nov 2011 | 06:03 am
In the course of 7 days, 150 years of goodwill and good standing in Penn State University were obliterated at the expense of protecting the legacy of a gentleman who batted an eye while children were ...
Quick PR Analysis On Herman Cain Press Conference 9 Nov 2011 | 02:42 pm
Cain was very calm and relaxed during the press conference and we thought he handled himself very well. His tone with the media was very respectful and because he didn’t come off as angry, it appeared...
Freddy Kruger’s PR Nightmare For Judge Who Violently Assaulted Disabled Daughter 3 Nov 2011 | 08:38 am
In less than 24 hours, a video of Texas Judge at Law William Adams (who’s up for reelection) savagely beating his 16-year old disabled daughter Hillary has reached over 700,000 views and has immediate...
Charlie Wins, Ashton Loses & Comedy Central…. 21 Sep 2011 | 07:02 am
In less than 72 hours Charlie Sheen pulled off PR comeback comparable to that of the devil landing the top spot in a Mr. Nice Guy contest. Sheen’s got America back in the palm of his hand and he’s onc...
Quick PR Insight Into The 2012 Election. 24 Aug 2011 | 03:40 am
Please don’t leave any hate filled political comments as we respect everyone and are presenting this information purely from a non-judgmental, PR strategic perspective. In an absolutely political bri...
Job Seeking Advice 23 Aug 2011 | 07:58 am
Our heart goes out to anyone aggressively seeking a position right now. We hope you’ll find a good job that pays you what your worth. Below is some quick advice that we hope can help your efforts. Ne...
Our Drama Free Workplace Policy 10 Aug 2011 | 11:37 am
At Goldman McCormick, we have a strict company policy called “Drama-Free Workplace.” We’re happy to report that this policy has not only increased employee morale but, has also increased our business ...
Casey Anthony Trial: PR Value To Legal Experts 13 Jul 2011 | 05:45 am
The Casey Anthony trial was PR boom for sharp Attorney’s seeking to present their expertise to millions. Because of strong public interest in the trial, the media was constantly seeking those who coul...
Is Jackass Good PR For Humanity? 22 Jun 2011 | 10:22 am
Is Jackass Good PR For Humanity? Today as millions mourn Ryan Dunn, Co-Start of MTV’s “Jackass” many ponder if the show is a leap towards a global idiocracy and de-evolution. We feel that “Jackass” c...