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Unwanted Gifts? Here’s What You Can Do With Them 17 Aug 2013 | 07:27 pm
We all get them from time to time – unwanted gifts – things that we already have, things that we don’t want, things that don’t fit, or quite simply do not like. A careless cousin, a well meaning aunt,...
Do You Make These Common Shopping Mistakes? 29 Jul 2013 | 07:57 pm
Shopping is an art – I firmly believe this. You should have an eye for good deals and understand what good value for money is. I also believe that I have this quality – why else would so many people e...
Top Things You Should Always Buy Used 16 Jul 2013 | 08:04 pm
You know I am this discount loving soul and I wait for things to go on sale before I let myself wrap my greedy little fingers around them. So since I have this predilection towards not paying the stic...
Caribbean Cruising for a Deal 6 Jul 2013 | 05:45 pm
This is a Guest Post by Austin Gambino, The Cruise Web Team There’s a lot that goes into booking a Caribbean cruise. Every traveler is looking for maximum value for their dollar, as well as the right...
Amusement or Addiction? Recognizing Signs of Shopping Addiction 1 Jul 2013 | 01:38 pm
I write about shopping all the time, and thought that it would be irresponsible of me not to touch upon the subject of shopping addiction from time to time. If you find yourself being unable to resist...
Tips for Guilt Free Shopping 21 Jun 2013 | 01:10 pm
Shopping is an enjoyable pass-time; the person that named it retail therapy wasn’t far wrong. Shopping and window shopping are leisure activities for me; great ways for me to relax and have a good tim...
The Art of Window Shopping 1 Jun 2013 | 03:37 pm
Window shopping is defined as browsing products just for fun, or with the intent to buy them at some later date. For me it is often therapeutic. I adore window shopping. It is a stress buster and a t...
Food Steamer – Why and How To Go About Buying One 25 May 2013 | 02:04 pm
For any number of reasons – good health, weight loss and eating a more nutritious diet – steaming food is a good idea. You can get various different types of food steamers that can be plugged in to wo...
Find the Right Bank Deals 14 May 2013 | 06:40 pm
Gone are the days that a bank would offer you a free toaster for opening a new checking account. These days, banks have been offering more practical incentives. Sometimes with free airline miles, elec...
High Heels at a Discount 1 May 2013 | 01:38 pm
I know women who love shoes – some covet them, some adore them, others guard them jealously. I don’t know a single woman who is completely indifferent to shoes. It’s probably because of how good the l...