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Styrene to wood (Ray Dunakin) 28 May 2012 | 05:31 pm
I've been using styrene to model all of my "wood" structures, and have gotten pretty good at making it look like old, weathered wood. Here's a project I've been working on lately as an experiment to s...
Ballast Cleaning (Miamigo259) 18 May 2012 | 05:31 am
Does anyone else have problems with moss and other forms of growth on some parts of their layouts? Part of my line is permanantly in the shade due to a hedge & fence, and with the "delightful" weather...
Nice day at the Triple Peak Railroad (Triple Peak) 17 May 2012 | 12:34 am
Hi guys, I am looking forward to more nice weather. Only a few impressions from my railroad. Enjoy:
Two new locos for the Peggles & Frogland (marshman) 13 May 2012 | 01:34 am
I bought the little shunter at the Stafford show & the Peveril arrived this week. Once the grass has dried out i am going to lay some track & give them a run.
Building the Sharknose (MAYBACH) 24 Apr 2012 | 08:00 am
Hi all. After all that time designing and producing the Sharknose the time has come to build the end product! I have my kit
Matthews Railway 2012 (matthew) 12 Mar 2012 | 02:24 am
A long time since last getting out in the garden but the weather has finally started to get better. Pictures are excessivly bright but can't complain about the sun :bigsmile: [attachment
Ruritanian Railways - 2012 (whatlep) 3 Jan 2012 | 05:16 am
After the extended New Year holiday, Ruritania is gradually returning to what passes for normality. As the construction industry takes an extended break around this time of year, demand for invisible ...
Lazy Grange Bay 3...a new start (mike) 25 Feb 2011 | 08:06 am
:@after the shock off the divorsces, and haveing to find some were to live.. i fell..lucky..:D
Coal Fired Lady Anne Project (Dannysfod) 3 Feb 2011 | 02:11 am
Hello! I thought I would put a few photo's up of my current project. I am building a coal fired boiler for my Lady Anne chassis. Thus far, it runs sweetly on air and I am about to begin
Sources of Butane. (jetomlin) 24 Sep 2010 | 08:43 pm
It would appear that B&Q superstores have stopped stocking Butae cartridges. I Know rhat some dealers sell at shows but it is not always practical to attend for Butane purchase. Wickes also have stopp...