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Fergie | Big Girls Don’t Cry 5 May 2012 | 01:20 pm
You will probably have to practice this one a little bit since it does have some finger picking. However, the finger picking shouldn’t be to hard to get a hold of. From Fergies’ The Duchess album of 2...
Jason Mraz | I Won’t Give Up 22 Apr 2012 | 03:45 am
Although this is not a beginner song. It could be within your ability if you know how to play barre chords. I just love this song. It has all the makings of a hit. Although the song might seem sad…. I...
Epiphone SG G-310 14 Apr 2012 | 03:37 pm
My Review Of The Epiphone SG G-310 By: John Sizemore So! Here’s the guitar that changed everything! Yup! The Gibson SG which stands for “Solid Guitar”. This guitar was designed to be a much more user ...
Jason Aldean | My Kinda Party 13 Apr 2012 | 08:42 am
This song only has 4 chords and has a real rock and roll feel to it. However, it does have a barre chord and a pretty intermediate strumming pattern that may not suit the beginner. As I’ve said many t...
Katy Perry | Last Friday Night t.g.i.f 12 Apr 2012 | 07:33 am
Here’s a real easy song with a strumming pattern that you should be able to play quite easily. There are only 4 chords in the whole song. However, there is one barre chord. So, you’re going to have to...