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Guitar Lessons Open Chord Movements In "A" 20 Aug 2013 | 04:41 am
Guitar Lessons - When playing guitar it is not unusual to strum a chain of chords in sequence, one following another, based on the song you're playing. And although it is important, particularly for a...
Playing Guitar In The Pocket - Easy Steps 20 Aug 2013 | 04:14 am
When playing in a band, group or combo scenario there's a term you'll frequently hear called "in the pocket". And no..."in the pocket" doesn't reference a spot to set both hands while on a show! In un...
5 claves para un entrenamiento efectivo. TIPS para BAJAR DE PESO. Salud180 20 Aug 2013 | 12:40 am
5 claves para un entrenamiento efectivo. TIPS para BAJAR DE PESO. Salud180 Descubre nuestras 5 claves para un entrenamiento efectivo y baja de peso de manera...
5 Súper Alimentos Para Quemar Grasa y Bajar de Peso Rapido 20 Aug 2013 | 12:40 am
Baja de peso en 5 días con esta dieta gratis! Clic Aquí - http://QuemandoYGozando.com/eldetox/ Hola amigos de Quemando Y Gozando! En el capítulo de esta sema...
Abia State Arts & Cultural music and dance 5 19 Aug 2013 | 04:40 pm
Masquerade music and dance from Abia State Arts & Culture.
ABIA State Exclusive - Lagos International Trade Fair - LCCI TV 19 Aug 2013 | 04:40 pm
ABIA State Ministry of Commerce made their presence worthy of note, when engaged by Christopher N. Morris and other crew member from Microres Nigeria Ltd, th...
Gov. T.A Orji promise to reduced the fees for student if voted into power.
young bross with his military security in Abia state Nigeria 19 Aug 2013 | 04:40 pm
young bross with his military security in Abia state Nigeria.
Le dessous des cartes - Burkina Faso 19 Aug 2013 | 08:40 am
Pour plus de documentaires sur l'Afrique : http://www.afriquedocumentaire.com/
Blaise Compaoré, President of the Republic Burkina Faso 19 Aug 2013 | 08:40 am
An Interview with President Blaise Compaoré, President of Burkina Faso (Berlin, ICD House, June 14th, 2012) Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies Publication...