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Values common to software managers across cultures 18 Sep 2010 | 06:29 am
A good software executive or manager will foster meritocracy, will have a good ability for followup, and will scan the environment for opportunities to innovate, whether it's looking at new techniques...
Using the Bluetooth keyboard under the iPad 6 Apr 2010 | 04:39 pm
Well, I mentioned I'd attach a bluetooth keyboard to the iPad to try it out and that's exactly what I did. The results are better than with the regular keyboard but still not ideal. Of course typing ...
iPad – first impressions 5 Apr 2010 | 10:21 am
Yesterday I went ahead and picked up an iPad. A lot of people are wondering if it makes sense as a device. Here are my impressions. I've only used it for a few hours now and I have to say I'm impress...
Reclutamiento 2 Apr 2010 | 01:10 pm
Esto es en respuesta a la Carta abierta de un desempleado a los entrevistadores A veces hago entrevistas laborales. Una de nuestras oficinas está en México. En mi compañía NO hacemos pruebas psicomét...
Figure out the encoding of a stream 3 Oct 2009 | 09:30 am
Have you ever seen a stream of data coming from a network, and it has some European accented characters in an encoding you don't recognize? Sometimes bad coding practices or assumptions about encoding...
Stupid monitoring trick: Watch mysql queries fly 15 May 2009 | 10:09 am
Put this somewhere in your ~/bin: watch 'echo "show processlist" | mysql -u whateveruser --password=mypassword | grep -v "show processlist" ' Now run it and you will have a poor man's monitor, kind ...
Speed Up Firefox web browser – Ubuntu Geek 10 Apr 2009 | 06:13 am
Ubuntu Geek provides a great little guide on speeding up Firefox. A lot of the about:config settings he proposes changing are already fairly optimal on a Mac, but disabling IPv6 seemed to make the mos...
WebLoad – Bait and Switch 12 Mar 2009 | 04:50 am
As a software writer, I download a lot of sample software. In the software world, most people are good about working with their community, and the way you conduct yourself in business matters a lot. T...
JIRA To Omnifocus Script 5 Mar 2009 | 07:47 am
This script logs into your JIRA and creates OmniFocus tasks for each of the JIRA items that are assigned to you, so they sync to your Omnifocus for iPhone, you only have to keep track of one inbox, et...
FuzzyCom :: Using DTrace for javascript debug on OS X in firefox 11 Feb 2009 | 07:14 am
Vincent Hellot over at FuzzyCom teaches how to use dtrace to trace javascript problems on a Mac (using a specially compiled Firefox binary for OSX). He hints at being able to do it with Ruby on Rails ...