Hackingbeast - hackingbeast.in - HB Securities - Protecting Cyber Space

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Pakistani websites hacked by Harsh Daftary aka Mr.trojan 16 May 2012 | 03:18 am
Pakistani websites Hacked by Harsh Daftary aka Mr.trojan News Site: http://awaz.pk/ http://www.myproof-h.org/view/?id=41446/ --------------------------------------------------------------- http:/...
Hacking Beast is now HB Securities 14 May 2012 | 01:46 am
After being away for long time from Hacking Beast now we are back again with some new things and ideas. This time we have much better team. This time we are going to provide internet services at cheap...
Windows 7 & 8 Tip: How To Create Your Own Keyboard Shortcuts to Open Programs 6 Apr 2012 | 10:43 pm
You can create your own keyboardshortcut to open your most used programs, and you can do that without the help from a 3rd party application. For example, I want to create a keyboard shortcut that can...
Hackers Tournament - 2012 20 Mar 2012 | 05:41 am
Hackers Tournament - 2012 This event is sponsored by INNO BUZZ KNOWLEDGE SOLUTIONS and is powered by Hacking Beast. The motive of this event is to bring cyber security awareness among people.Thi...
How to create simple Mac apps from shell scripts 18 Mar 2012 | 09:21 pm
Basically, a Mac application has a .app extension, but it’s not really a file — it’s a package. You can view the application’s contents by navigating to it in the Finder, right-clicking it and then ch...
Google Email Recovery Vulnerability (Removing Secondary E-mail Address -Self Exploit 16 Mar 2012 | 08:22 pm
#Title: Google Email Recovery Vulnerability (Removing Secondary E-mail Address -Self Exploitation) #Author: Sandeep Kamble #Risk Factor: Low (Why low please read below) #Attack Type: A User can acce...
XSS vulnerability on Kevin Mitnick's website 12 Mar 2012 | 08:11 pm
Kevin Mitnick a well known name of the cyber world. He is also regarded as worlds one of the most popular hacker whose popularity is growing day by day. From our resources we have got this news which ...
Bangladesh Stock Market Hacked By Teamgreyhat 3 Mar 2012 | 07:59 pm
As we all know that there is a big cyber war between the Bangladesh and India. Many sites ere hacked by Bangladesh hackers , recently Bangladesh has also attacked on f other important Indian website a...
#WikiLeaks publishes millions of Hacked Stratfor E-mails #gifiles 28 Feb 2012 | 04:39 am
LONDON: WikiLeaks today began publishing more than five million confidential emails from US-based intelligence firm Stratfor, the anti-secrecy group said. The messages, which date from between July 2...
VOGH magazine III release - India Vs. Bangladesh cyber war | #unseen - #uncut 22 Feb 2012 | 06:36 am
One of the most popular news portal of WWW VOGH has released their III issue on Cyber war between Indian and Bangladesh. Cyber-War Cyber-War Cyber-War!!! I am sure that all of you must be feeling bo....