Haloadbalancer - haloadbalancer.com - HA Load Balancer, Balancing, Proxy Server, Squid, Nginx

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Microsoft Windows Terminal Server Load balancing with HA-Proxy Server & RDP Cookies 30 Nov 2010 | 11:55 am
If you have customers depending on the Windows Terminal Server load balanced for the purpose of their key desktop, it is a good quality plan to have much more than other Terminal Server load balanced....
Microsoft Office Communications Server (MOCS) with HA-Proxy Load Balancing 30 Nov 2010 | 12:13 am
You can do Microsoft Office Communications Server load balancing using open source HA-Proxy through the Microsoft recommended SNAT method. So that, how you can do this through manually for free by w...
IPTables and SNAT into LVS (xt_ipvs) Load Balancer 29 Nov 2010 | 01:38 pm
A brief configuration direct on how to permit SNAT in LVS through iptables.Load balance network, squid, Nginx and redundancy is also very important for the purpose of load balancing. First of all this...
Configure HAProxy and TPROXY kernel Load Balancer for full transparent proxy 18 Nov 2010 | 06:44 am
Standard Kernel builds don’t support TPROXY ( 2.6.28 does now!). Load balance network, squid, Nginx and redundancy is also very important for the purpose of load balancing. For example if you use Ha-P...