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Advokátní kancelář Havel, Holásek & Partners v červnu přispěla na pomoc postiženým povodněmi a Nadaci Naše dítě 15 Jul 2013 | 08:00 pm
This content is available only in Czech language! TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA Praha 10. července 2013 Advokátní kancelář Havel, Holásek & Partners se rozhodla přispět obětem povodní. V rámci charitativního ...
Havel, Holásek & Partners strengthens its position in Moravia; Robert Neruda appointed managing associate of Brno office 5 Aug 2011 | 08:12 pm
Robert Neruda (34), former vice chairman of the Office for the Protection of Competition and an attorney with nearly ten years of experience in competition law, has been appointed to the position of m...
Havel, Holásek & Partners Sponsored Film Festival Tennis Cup 2011 29 Jul 2011 | 12:26 am
“Beata Rajská AUTUMN - WINTER 2011/2012” fashion show took place during the official Film Festival Tennis Cup 2011, which was held as part of the International Film Festival at Karlovy Vary. More tha...
Petr Bříza, advokát v Havel, Holásek & Partners, spoluautorem nové knihy o právu EU 22 Jul 2011 | 09:24 pm
Translation for this content is not available yet! V polovině června vydalo nakladatelství C.H. Beck knihu Vnitrostátní aplikace práva Evropské unie, jejímž spoluautorem je Petr Bříza (31), advokát n...
Largest Czech-Slovak Law Firm Havel, Holásek & Partners appoints Václav Audes its 20th partner 5 Jul 2011 | 03:16 am
Since the beginning of this year, the law firm Havel, Holásek & Partners has appointed seven new partners thus substantially enlarging its management team to the current total of 20 partners. The most...