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History of the Hawaiian Flag 28 Jul 2010 | 11:13 am
The Hawaiian culture is famous for its preoccupation with the integration and adoption of multi-fold meanings and deeply-rooted symbolism. The Flag of Hawaii, or Ka Hae Hawaii in local parlance, is a ...
Hawaiian Petroglyphs – Ancient Rock Carvings Made by Natives 8 Jul 2010 | 10:34 am
Petroglyhs are rocks carvings of symbols and images made by prehistoric tribes. The literal translation of the word “petroglyph” is rock carving. The etymology of this word takes us back to the ancien...
Going to Hawaii for the First Time 2 Jul 2010 | 12:50 pm
First time trips are always exciting, especially if your destination is someplace like Hawaii. However, before you start packing your bags there are a few things you should be aware of, like the best ...
Ukulele – The Legendary Hawaiian Instrument 10 Jun 2010 | 05:25 pm
The sight and sound of ukulele is really hard to miss when you visit Hawaii. This is pronounced as YOO-ka-LAY-lee if you are a native of Hawaii and is spelled as ukulele. This is Hawaii’s most promine...
Pearl Harbor – A Place Full of History 8 Jun 2010 | 06:11 pm
Hawaii does not only offer fun water activities; it also has some of the most interesting historic sites to visit. One of the most famous historical places worth visiting in Hawaii is the Pearl Harbor...