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Will following a Vegetarian Diet help you loose weight? Well, it depends, if you do it wright, then yes. Actually with a vegetarian diet to loose weight is quite easy. Be aware though, there are quite...
IS CHEESE VEGETARIAN or not? 19 Aug 2013 | 08:13 am
If you are new to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet you might start to eat more cheese, not knowing any alternatives yet. You should ask yourself though: Is cheese vegetarian? Be aware that most cheeses are n...
Protein Sources within a Plant Based Diet 14 Jun 2012 | 05:49 pm
If you are new to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet, then one of the questions you might have is were to get your protein from. My findings that I have done with the research online is, is that it seems quit...
If you are new to a healthy vegetarian diet, you might not know all the protein sources within a plant based diet. My findings are that it seems quite easy to get your protein, you don’t even need muc...
The Power of Fruits and Vegetables 29 May 2012 | 08:31 pm
If you have been a vegetarian for a while, you know already how important it is to have fruits and vegetables in your diet. Being new to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet, you might still be lacking some ...
Fruits and Vegetables are Naturally Detoxifying 22 May 2012 | 08:27 pm
For some people "detoxifying" is something they might do every few months, maybe once a year. For others it is something they never take into consideration. My brother is an expert in detoxifying. ....
Fruits and vegetables are NATURALLY DETOXIFYING 22 May 2012 | 01:27 pm
For some people detoxifying is something they might do every few months, maybe once a year. For others it is something they never take into consideration. What I try to do is naturally detoxifying mys...
Food Cravings – 10 Ways to Comfort Yourself Without Food 15 May 2012 | 08:37 pm
Food cravings, something that many of us have at times. I know I have them at times. Although I do my best to follow a Healthy Vegetarian Diet I have them at times in the evening. The worst is when ...
FOOD CRAVINGS – 10 Ways to comfort yourself without food 15 May 2012 | 01:37 pm
Food cravings, something that many of us have at times. I know I have them at times, and they can be quite annoying. The worst is when you have unhealthy food cravings! Once you let yourself go, and e...
3 Tricks to Never Eating Meat Again 8 May 2012 | 08:38 pm
Switching from a diet with meat to a healthy vegetarian diet might seem for somebody who eats meat almost on a daily bases almost impossible. If you are thinking this, then questions may come up like...