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Links for the Closest Thing to a Shiksa Without Being One 25 Aug 2013 | 08:13 pm
Must-See Museum Shows to Make You Think, or Cry (Art News) Sid Bernstein was the man responsible for bringing the Beatles to America, which could be enough for several past and present lives (Huffing...
Ad-Rock Hits The Town..er..Synagogue 21 Aug 2013 | 11:03 pm
This is an AHP (“All Heeb Bulletin“) for information regarding this mysterious instagram, posted and tweeted last week by none other than once-and-future King Ad-Rock himself: My completely-uneduc...
Must-Have Toy: Adolf Hitler (With “Sieg Heil” Saluting Action!) 21 Aug 2013 | 07:50 pm
G.I. Joe may have his kung-fu grip, and Transformers may be “robots in disguise” but when it comes to action figure features, it’s tough to beat Adolf Hitler’s “Sieg Heil” adjustable arm. It was one o...
Woody Allen: Celebrity Launching Pad 21 Aug 2013 | 12:11 am
After forty-plus years making movies, it stands to reason that Woody Allen would stumble across some talented actors. But, until Flavorwire complied this supercut, it was hard to imagine the caliber a...
The Strange Case Of “Jon The Jew” 20 Aug 2013 | 10:28 pm
Every once in a while, during my usual internet stumblings (all for your enjoyment, folks!) I come across something so goddamned inexplicably weird that I have to leapfrog over the obvious offensivene...
MexiKosher Takes Chopped 20 Aug 2013 | 06:30 pm
Not many kosher chefs cook crab legs or elaborate lobster-themed menus for Friday night dinners, but then Katsuji Tanabe is no typical kosher chef. The Japanese-Mexican chef is the force behind Mexiko...
Librarians Go Full-On Beastie Boys With Sabotage Video (SHHH) 19 Aug 2013 | 08:26 pm
Libraries are fucking awesome. That’s it. Full stop. But, this being the internet, there’s bound to be a few of you out there with your arms crossed, saying “prove it.” Well, troglodytes, here you go....
Links for Turning the Plane Around for Cancer-Stricken Camper 18 Aug 2013 | 11:53 pm
Pilots turn packed passenger jet around to get cancer-stricken girl, 11, and take her to summer camp after she lost passport (Daily Mail) My Baby Idan’s Fight to Live (Kveller) Woody Allens Breezy 1...
Wilt Chamberlain Scores Again As A Borscht Belt Bellhop 16 Aug 2013 | 06:52 pm
You know how they say that you shouldn’t feed a stray cat, because they’ll keep coming back for more? Jewdar knows that feeling all too well. Years, ago, FOJ Ian Rosenberg invited us to his movie, The...
What’s Wrong With You: Stripper Knows Best, Shrink Maybe Not 15 Aug 2013 | 08:24 pm
Stripper Knows Best How To Deal With Boss Dear Judith, People project their fantasies onto performers. I’ve recognized this for a long time as a piano player, and lately as host of a weekly comedy n...