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Backup database in different version of MySQL 30 Jun 2007 | 04:15 pm
Move and backup database in a new host with different version of MySQL When I run the backed up sql file with phpmyadmin in the new database on the new web host, I get the following error: -- Table ...
Tes Aja 30 Jun 2007 | 04:15 pm
Tes Aja Tes Aja asdasf asfas asfas asfasf asfasf asfTes Aja Tes Aja asdasf asfas asfas asfasf asfasf asfTes Aja Tes Aja asdasf asfas asfas asfasf asfasf asfTes Aja Tes Aja asdasf asfas asfas asfasf as...
Tes Aja 30 Jun 2007 | 09:15 am
Tes Aja Tes Aja asdasf asfas asfas asfasf asfasf asfTes Aja Tes Aja asdasf asfas asfas asfasf asfasf asfTes Aja Tes Aja asdasf asfas asfas asfasf asfasf asfTes Aja Tes Aja asdasf asfas asfas asfasf as...
Backup database in different version of MySQL 30 Jun 2007 | 09:15 am
Move and backup database in a new host with different version of MySQL When I run the backed up sql file with phpmyadmin in the new database on the new web host, I get the following error: -- Table ...