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Distant Affair 26 Jun 2013 | 08:37 pm
Be the face I love to stare, Be the girl I love to care. Cast me some smiles in front of me, And it would be my ever lucky day. Freshly awakened, with no lies had been spoken. Kiss me quick, my cheeks...
Different Kinds 6 Mar 2013 | 05:32 pm
Some words are better left unspoken that’s when our time is through Some hearts are happy yet broken that’s when they say adieu Some people stay strong though happiness doesn’t stay that long Some peo...
Letting Go of a Relationship: How to End a Relationship, Move On, and Be Happy Again 14 Feb 2013 | 06:01 am
One of the hardest things to do in life is to let go of a relationship. No matter what the cause of a breakup, learning to let go just often isn’t easy to do. It could be the one that got away, a firs...
Birthday Blues 14 Feb 2013 | 12:20 am
Birthday Blues Tears fell down and mixed with the rain. Thunders synched with my sobs in shame Feet kept walking along the silent streets the rain washed away my fears and threats. The stars were hidi...
ONE 26 Jan 2013 | 07:37 am
smiles filled with charms casted in each face arms were tightened as it securely embrace eyes were vigilant and heads that nod as their feet were covered with mud. tweets of the birds, and a whisperin...
Linux Commands Chart 19 Jan 2012 | 02:36 am
Here are some Ubuntu (linux) commands for you to play and explore with. mkisofs Create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem mknod Make block or character special files more Display output one scree...
Why The Government’s Move To Censor The Internet? 18 Jan 2012 | 09:59 pm
Here are some reasons. The Senate is considering holding a vote on an internet censorship bill (PIPA) next Tuesday, January 24. Help us stop them from voting the wrong way! Please share this infograph...
Blackout protest to legislation on online piracy has failed. 18 Jan 2012 | 09:37 pm
Despite calls for the participation of sites such as Facebook, Twitter and other big names, the biggest participants are the online encyclopedia Wikipedia and the social-news website Reddit. The situa...
Set a domain as your localhost. 17 Jun 2010 | 10:02 pm
XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming lan...
Basic UNIX commands 17 Jun 2010 | 07:30 pm
The most important 8 commands ls dirname Shows directory listing. If no directory dirname is specified, ls prints the names of the files in the current directory. cd dirname Change current directory. ...