Hitzeman - dennis.hitzeman.com - Dennis L Hitzeman
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Worldview: Be strong and perservere 20 Aug 2013 | 06:36 am
I want to tell you a story. It’s a story about perseverance. Tonight, my wife, mother-in-law, and I went to the Great Darke County Fair. If you live anywhere remotely close, I recommend you go. It’s ...
Worldview: The rhythm of the road 10 Aug 2013 | 12:07 am
I got a chance to do something today that I haven’t done in ages. All my had to tasks for the day were done, and I had nowhere to be, so I went for a drive. I discovered a long time ago that, for a p...
Worldview: Why I’m not talking about a lot of things these days… 17 Jul 2013 | 02:44 am
I’ve begun to wonder if there are many, if any, conversations worth having anymore in the public space. Most everyone seems so entrenched in their self-confirmed view of the world that it’s impossible...
Worldview: Keeping things alive 19 Jun 2013 | 07:12 pm
I’m a big fan of direct support. Hence the reason I support things like Kiva, Kickstarter, and Indigogo. Hence the reason I actually donate to WordPress plugin developers. Hence the reason I shop and ...
Worldview: What’s my hangup? A redux 15 Jun 2013 | 04:40 am
The combination of reading my brother’s excellent blog on his fitness exploits–among other things–and my own recent bout with shitty health have me thinking a lot about health and fitness and whatnot....
Worldview: Thoughts from Innisfree on the Stillwater: Where’s your foodshed? 2 Jun 2013 | 05:54 am
I just came across a term I really like. It’s called foodshed. Like a watershed, it refers to the idea of where one’s food comes from. So, where’s your foodshed? Is it big enough? Does it grow the kin...
Worldview: Thoughts from Innisfree on the Stillwater: Tool finder 30 Apr 2013 | 12:08 am
Somebody needs to invent a system that allows people like me to find the tools I constantly misplace on the farm. No, really. We have 185 acres. Even if I limit myself to the area of our farm building...
Worldview: Education: Open Source Education 29 Apr 2013 | 11:55 pm
A recent post over on Facebook got me thinking. We have open source software, hardware, design, fabricating, even open source manufacturing. So, why not open source education? Think about it. Nearly a...
Thoughts from Innisfree on the Stillwater: Taking the plunge! 23 Apr 2013 | 08:41 pm
While my wife and I have been living and working on Innisfree for the last three and a half years, it has always been something of a part-time job until now. Late last year, we paid off the last of … ...
Worldview: Thoughts from Innisfree on the Stillwater: Taking the plunge! 23 Apr 2013 | 08:41 pm
While my wife and I have been living and working on Innisfree for the last three and a half years, it has always been something of a part-time job until now. Late last year, we paid off the last of … ...