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Venture Capital (VC) Funding for Robotics in 2012 11 Jun 2013 | 05:38 am
Due to the popularity of Hizook's list of VC Funding for Robotics in 2011, we figured folks would be curious how 2012 fared in comparison.... and the news is promising! By our tally, robotics companie...
Fashion, Robots, and Travis' Hiatus to Lollipuff 25 Mar 2013 | 01:10 am
Some people have been asking, "Travis, where did you (and Hizook) disappear to?" Well... I'm taking a prolonged (but ultimately temporary) hiatus from robotics to co-found a new, YCombinator-funded w...
New Underactuated Robot Hands from Lacquey and Willow Garage 5 Dec 2012 | 01:27 pm
Underactuated robot hands -- with fewer motors than joints -- have been around for decades; however, we've seen a surge of new designs in recent years. Personally, I attribute this trend to the avail...
Robot Dragonfly by TechJect (A New Georgia Tech Spinoff Company) 15 Nov 2012 | 02:32 am
I'd like to introduce you TechJect (a Georgia Tech spinout) that is building a robot dragonfly based on of years of academic research and $1+ Million in military funding -- aka, one hell of a toy! Ea...
Visceral Negative Reaction to Suitable Technologies' New "Beam" Robot 26 Sep 2012 | 11:24 am
Today, Suitable Technologies announced the "Beam Remote Presence System" -- aka, Beam telepresence robot. You can see the press announcement below, and find plenty of commentary elsewhere online (eg....
Baxter Robot from Rethink Robotics Finally Unveiled! 18 Sep 2012 | 09:43 am
Rethink Robotics (formerly Heartland Robotics) has come out of stealth mode with the announcement of Baxter -- a $22,000 dual-arm, human-scale robot with compliant joints. The details are available in...
Artaic: Revolutionizing Tile Mosaics Through Robotic Assembly 2 Aug 2012 | 04:02 pm
I love Artaic. They're revolutionizing a millennia-old art form (tile mosaics) using dead-simple pick-and-place robots, to create a successful "non-robotics company." Yet in my mind... they're the q...
Venture Capital Firms Behind the Hizook 2011 "VC in Robotics" List 1 Aug 2012 | 11:28 am
Like many readers of this site, I’m planning to start a robotics company. So when I saw Hizook's list of VC Funding in Robotics in 2011, it cried out to me: Who is investing in robotics? And how can...
P.W. Singer Wastes an Opportunity in the Atlantic 23 Jul 2012 | 11:15 pm
Peter W. Singer is arguably the most famous scholar of drones and robotic warfare today. His book Wired for War probably did as much to introduce unmanned aircraft to the popular consciousness as any...
P.W. Singer Wastes an Opportunity in the Atlantic 23 Jul 2012 | 08:15 pm
Peter W. Singer is arguably the most famous scholar of drones and robotic warfare today. His book Wired for War probably did as much to introduce unmanned aircraft to the popular consciousness as any...