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Herpes on Lips 13 Apr 2013 | 07:38 pm
Oral herpes is generally called cold sores. It is a preventable condition if people take care in coming in intimate contacts with others particualrly of the opposite sex. Know the history of the perso...
Home Remedies for Gas Trouble 14 Feb 2013 | 03:39 pm
Everyone gets affected by gas trouble sometime or the other. This is a nagging and chronic trouble that disturbs the routine of the sufferer. If you are a middle aged man with a broad waist line, car...
Thyroid Gland Disorders – Catch These Problems Early 1 Feb 2013 | 06:24 pm
Thyroid gland is the largest endocrine (ductless) gland situated in the front part of our neck. The thyroid gland enlarges during all phase of hyperactivity like in the different states of stress, pre...
Two Natural Remedies for Anxiety 17 Jan 2013 | 04:55 pm
No one is worry proof. There are times when anxiety overtakes our common sense. Many natural remedies for anxiety can help you manage your worries without taking any prescription drugs which may have ...
Adult Inner Ear Infection Symptoms - Labyrinthitis 16 Jan 2013 | 12:22 pm
Inner ear infection is very common among children. You can also get inner ear infection during your adult age. The condition is called labyrinthitis. Labyrinth is a 1.25cm long structure of fluid fill...
Chronic Hip Pain - Causes and Relief Treatment 15 Jan 2013 | 03:37 pm
It is common to suffer from chronic hip pain during old age. Many athletes and sports people may also get it at younger age due to sports injury or over use of muscles. The causes may range from arthr...
Running Injury Hip Pain - Why Does My Hip Hurts? 13 Jan 2013 | 03:53 pm
Why does my hip hurt? You or your friends may have these questions particularly if you guys are athletes. Running injuries are many times responsible for such hip pain. The problem can range from mild...
Nutritional Meal Plan - Balance Diet for Good Health 9 Jan 2013 | 03:50 pm
In today’s busy life and fast food culture many lifestyles disorders are affecting almost everyone. A little bit of exercise and balanced nutritional meal plan can go a long way in bringing good healt...
Alcohol Dependence Treatment – Tame Addiction 8 Jan 2013 | 08:37 pm
Alcohol dependence is a clinical condition which may or may not be due to alcohol abuse. Alcohol dependence is associated with depression and anxiety where as alcohol abuse may or not be. Most treatme...
Home Remedies for Alcohol Withdrawal – Natural Detox 7 Jan 2013 | 06:33 pm
There are many physical, emotional, physiological, environmental and genetic reasons that act in coordination to get addicted to alcohol. The equation can be complexes and still being debated by the m...